Bachelor's thesis: Real-Time Volumetric Fusion for iOCT
Thesis by: Michael Sommersperger
Prof. Nassir Navab
Supervision by:
Jakob Weiss
Microscope-integrated Optical Coherence Tomography (iOCT) is able to provide live cross-sectional images during an ophthalmic intervention. Current OCT engines have a limited acquisition rate, allowing to either image cross-sectional 2D images at high frame rate, low resolution and low field-of-view volumes at medium update rate or high-resolution volumes with low update rate. In order to provide full field of view visualization during a surgical intervention, a high resolution scan can be acquired at the start of the intervention which is then tracked with an optical retina tracker to compensate for movement. Goal of this thesis is to devise a method to dynamically update this high resolution volume with the live data acquired during the ongoing intervention, in order to provide a responsive visualization of the surgeon's working environment. Integration of the live data into the volume requires compensation for deformation of the tissue as well as incorporation of motion data from the optical tracker, to accurately find the correct region to update in the volume.
- Review of existing systems with similar functionality
- Propose an algorithm for real-time fusion of OCT slices and/or small volumes into an existing volume.
- Implementation using a GPGPU library and experimental evaluation
- Knowledge of C++ and GPU Programming
- Basics in image registration
- Background of CAMP I/II lectures
Jakob Weiss