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Construction of a mobile navigation wheel using Bluetooth


Goal of this SEP is to construct and evaluate a navigation wheel concept for users in mobile working environments. The concept consists of a (mouse) wheel which the user wears like a ring. This ring is connected to the pc via a Bluetooth connection. The wheel allows the user to navigate through the menu just by turning and clicking the wheel.

Sketch of the possible navigation wheel.

The SEP is composed of two steps.

* Construct a navigation wheel, which can be worn as a ring. Basic materials for this are a Bluetooth mouse for the wheel and Fimo (plasticine) for the ring.

* Find the best way how to use a clickable wheel for navigation in menus. Think about how to navigate between the Menu levels. Inquest existing concepts like Ipod, Sony cellphone wheel, Logitech Software, etc.. Implement 3 simple navigation demos using the wheel. The demos should differ in the the menue visualisation 1.) menu as a list 2.) menu as a 2D wheel 3.) menu as a 3D wheel. Make a simple evaluation of the developed concepts.


Additional information and registration

Please contact BjoernSchwerdtfeger


One student


  • Having fun in handicrafts
  • Experience in using soldering iron
  • Skills in C++ or Java
  • Simple Skills in 2D/3D programming
  • Experience in User Interfaces


Title: Construction of a mobile navigation wheel using Bluetooth
Abstract: Goal of this SEP is to construct and evaluate a navigation wheel concept for users in mobile working environments. The concept consists of a (mouse) wheel which the user wears like a ring. This ring is connected to the pc via a Bluetooth connection. The wheel allows the user to navigate through the menu just by turning and clicking the wheel.
Student: Dominik Tietz
Director: GudrunKlinker
Supervisor: BjoernSchwerdtfeger
Type: SEP
Status: finished
Start: 2007/09/15
Finish: 2007/02/15

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