![trackman_split_incomplete.png](../../twiki/pub/UbiTrack/ScreenshotsAndVideos/trackman_split_incomplete.png) |
The trackman planning tool for tracking environments. The left editor pane shows the current state of the spatial relationship graph (SRG) corresponding to a certain tracking environment. The right side shows the resulting data flow network (DFN) that is automatically generated by the system, based on the SRG. |
![plot.png](../../twiki/pub/UbiTrack/ScreenshotsAndVideos/plot.png) |
Comparison of alternative dataflows in trackman. The upper plot shows rotational deviations over time in degree, the lower plot shows euclidean distance over time in meter. |
![meta_pattern_he.png](../../twiki/pub/UbiTrack/ScreenshotsAndVideos/meta_pattern_he.png) |
Meta-pattern that allows to perform hand-eye calibration in trackman. Only sensor patterns have to be added in order to complete the pattern to a fully functional SRG, as indicated by the dashed edges. |