PORT - pre-operative planning and intra-operative guidance and navigation for robotically assisted minimally invasive cardiovascular surgery

poster of the PORT scenario. (PDF, 1,25MB)
Demo Setup
The setup of the Port demo can be found in
Advanced Realtime Tracking GmbH
Teleoperator "DaVinci", Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
Medical Readings on Robotically and Video-assisted/Video-directed heart surgery
- V. Falk, J.I. Fann, J. Gruenenfelder, D. Daunt, T.A. Burdon:"Endoscopic Computer-Enhanced Beating Heart Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting"; Ann Thorac Surg 2000;70:p2029-2033
- L.W. Nifong, V.F. Chu, B.M. Bailey, D.M. Maziarz, V.L. Sorrell, D. Holbert, W.R. Chitwood Jr.:"Robotic Mitral Valve Repair: Experience With the daVinci System"; Ann Thorac Surg 2003;75:p438-443
- J.E. Felger, L.W. Nifong, W.R. Chitwood Jr.:"The Evolution and Early Experience With Robot-assisted Mitral Valve Surgery"; Current Surgery 2001;58:p570-575
Technical Readings on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality Systems in Medicine
- (simulated) Endoscopic View:
- Augmented Reality View of Guided Navigation:
- Intraoperative Setup: