
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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This pages serves as a common planning platform for the three meetings and seminars taking place at the chair on fridays.

Chair Meeting

Administrative topics are discussed in this meeting. Feel free to add something to the Schedule if you think it needs to be discussed!



The purpose of the Oberseminar is to present and discuss current research issues related to (medical) AugmentedReality. This includes invited talks, presentations of student projects and discussions of relevant work in the international research community. Everybody who is interested in the topic is invited to join!

If you want to present something here, please contact GudrunKlinker.


PhD Seminar

In the PhD seminar, every PhD student of the chair should get the chance to present and discuss with other his/her research progress at least once per semester.

For the planning, please contact WolfgangWein or DanielPustka.



Note: The entries are in reverse order!

Date up Admistrative Oberseminar PhD Seminar Material
Jun, 10th   DA kickoff NicolasPadoy, kickoff PierreGeorgel MartinGroher  
Jul, 7th   HaukeHeibel, BenGlocker, DarkoZikic  
Jul, 1st CampIng2005 planning      

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