In medical collaboration with: Reza Ghotbi
In academic collaboration with: Gabor Janiga (Otto-Von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg)
Scientific Director: Nassir Navab
Contact Person(s): Stefanie Demirci
In industrial collaboration with: Markus Kowarschik
Keywords: Registration / Visualization, Reconstruction, Medical Imaging, Computer-aided Interventions
This project focuses on the quantification of blood flow based on 2D and 3D angiographic X-ray image data, which is of particular interest during minimally invasive interventional procedures such as recanalizations of stenotic vessels and embolizations of arteries that feed tumors or vascular malformations in the patient's brain, for example. Our projects cover the evaluation of model-based approaches involving CFD (computational fluid dynamics) simulations as well as methods that aim at estimating the optical flow in the images and deriving quantitative blood flow information from these results.
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Please contact Stefanie Demirci for available student projects within this research project.