
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Living Review

Living Review

Contact Person(s): Stefanie Demirci

Keywords: Crowdsourcing


Review papers generally provide a comprehensive overview over the plethora of existing techniques with a particular focus on the suitable classification criteria. However, we wish to go beyond a static literature review which is naturally doomed to be outdated after a certain period of time due to the rapid research progress. Our living review concept augments conventional review papers with an extendable and interactive database in order to obtain an intuitive nd structured visualization whose currency goes beyond the one of a printed paper. All papers in this database are labeled with one or multiple tags according to 13 carefully defined categories. The classification of all entries can then be visualized as one or multiple trees which are presented via a web-based interactive app ( allowing the user to choose a unique perspective for literature review. In addition, the user can search the underlying database for specific tags or publications related to vessel registration. Many applications of this framework are conceivable, including the use for getting a general overview on the topic or the utilization by physicians for deciding about the best-suited algorithm for a specific application.


Contact Person(s)

Stefanie Demirci
Dr. Stefanie Demirci

Working Group

Maximilian Baust
Dr. Maximilian Baust


Richard Brosig
Dipl.-Tech. Math. Univ. Richard Brosig


Technische Universität München
Institut für Informatik / I16
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching bei München

Tel.: +49 89 289-17058
Fax: +49 89 289-17059
Visit our lab at Garching.

internal project page

Please contact Stefanie Demirci for available student projects within this research project.

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