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B. Schwerdtfeger, A. Hofhauser, G. Klinker
An Augmented Reality Laser Projector using Marker-less Tracking Demonstration at 15th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), Bordeaux, France, October 27-29, 2008. (bib) |
Due to several industrial requirements we were exploring the use of projective displays as an alternative to Augmented Reality user interfaces based on HMDs. This resulted in the development of an Augmented Reality Laser Projector. In this demo we show the laser projector in combination with an easy to use and easy to adapt markerless tracking system. Almost any pseudo planar object can be taught as tracking target within two atomic work-steps. This enables the Augmented Reality Laser Projector to project augmentations on tracked objects, without the need for artificial markers. | ||
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