
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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J. Newman, A. Bornik, D. Pustka, F. Echtler, M. Huber, D. Schmalstieg, G. Klinker
Tracking for Distributed Mixed Reality Environments
IEEE VR 2007 Workshop on 'Trends and Issues in Tracking for Virtual Environments', Charlotte, NC, USA, Mar 11, 2007 (bib)

By developing a taxonomy of existing systems, libraries and frameworks used for developing Mixed Reality and Ubiquitous Computing environments, it can be seen that little effort has been made to research applications that share the characteristics of these two fields. Solutions have focussed on meeting the needs of each project in turn, rather than developing a generalised middleware, which would not only have the advantage of generality, but also facilitate cooperation and collaboration in what ought to be a crossdisciplinary area. We have designed just such a solution, that can be used to support a wide-range of Mixed Reality applications and allow them to inter-operate in a distributed fashion, whilst simultaneously supporting straightforward porting of legacy applications.
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