
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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T. Velikova, T. Coskun, S. Klingenbeck, J. Roith, E. Artinger, G. Klinker
Animation-based requirements analysis of a map application user interface to support critical MCI situations
Informatiktage, Fachwissenchaftlciher Informatik-Kongress, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Seminars, Vol S-12, Mar 22-23, 2013, pp. 197-200 (bib)

In mass casualty incidents (MCI) the emergency medical services resources are overwhelmed by the number and severity of casualties. They can occur anywhere by many scenarios and require a lot of information about the number, location and medical condition of patients and an extremely well-organized emergency management response system. To minimize the risk for the patient, planning and preparedness are essential. Emergency response is undergoing a technology driven transformation, that calls for an intuitive and self-explanatory user interface representation. We explore the current techniques and concepts in order to present an alternative visualization of a real-time map application user interface for MCIs that is more user-oriented and extends the available features. In particular, the purpose of this research is to obtain a thorough and detailed understanding of the emergency response needs and interests in order to improve the present user interface, thus assisting the managing of MCIs and increasing the efficiency of the situational awareness. Furthermore, this work concentrates on creating a detailed functional specification defining the full set of visualization modalities to be developed. The main goal is to derive concrete requirements, based on realistically conceptualized MCI scenarios, which are presented as animations. As part of the SpeedUp? project this paper is a foundation for further insights and research in this area.
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