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M. Wagner
DWARF - Design, Prototypical Implementation and Testing of a Real-Time Optical Feature Tracker Diplomarbeit (bib) |
Augmented Reality is a new technology that aims at combining real and virtual environments by means of usually visual augmentation using head mounted displays. Virtual objects projected into the display delude the user into believing that they are fixed at real objects and even can interact with the latter. The DWARF project is conducted at the Chair for Applied Software Engineering of the Technische Universität München and tries to use methods from software engineering to speed up the development and testing of new Augmented Reality applications. One of the crucial tasks of Augmented Reality and therefore the DWARF project is the estimation of the user's position and orientation. These values have to be determined with high accuracy, high update rates and low delay to enable good overlays of real and virtual objects. During recent years, the focus of the tracking community shifted towards optical trackers relying on data from video cameras. Optical Tracking can be decomposed in marker detection and pose estimation out of the data obtained in the detection step. Several approaches are possible for both steps. In addition, the information given from the sequence of video images can be used to estimate the relative movement of tracked objects. The main contribution of this thesis is a new approach of combining the information about relative movement with marker detection. This approach has been prototypically implemented and tested. If it is developed further, it will be an enabler for markerless tracking that allows to use Augmented Reality in new areas. | ||
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