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X. Liu, F. Wiesinger, AB. Solana, T. Sprenger, M. Molina-Romero, PA. Gómez, JI. Sperl, B. Menze, MI. Menzel
A Simulation Framework to Investigate T1 Contamination on Diffusion Prepared RUFIS Proceedings of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology 32, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK October 2015 (bib) |
Rotating Ultra-fast Imaging Sequence (RUFIS) is a radial acquisition scheme that allows fast and robust acquisition for magnetization prepared sequences. However, T1-recovery during readout is a common issue for magnetization prepared sequences and introduces unwanted bias. Previous studies reported imaging parameters optimization, RF phase cycling or k-space filtering to reduce T1-contamination. In this study, we established a simulation framework to investigate the effect of imaging parameters and RF-cycling scheme on reducing T1-contamination for diffusion prepared RUFIS. | ||
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