Nicholas Katzakis
INSPECT: Extending Plane‑Casting for 6‑DOF Control Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 2015, 5:22, doi:10.1186/s13673-015-0037-y (bib) |
INSPECT is a novel interaction technique for 3D object manipulation using a rotation-only tracked touch panel. Motivated by the applicability of the technique on smartphones, we explore this design space by introducing a way to map the available degrees of freedom and discuss the design decisions that were made. We subjected INSPECT to a formal user study against a baseline wand interaction technique using a Polhemus tracker. Results show that INSPECT is 12% faster in a 3D translation task while at the same time being 40% more accurate. INSPECT also performed similar to the wand at a 3D rotation task and was preferred by the users overall. | ||
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