C. Sandor, G. Klinker
Lessons Learned in Designing Ubiquitous Augmented Reality User Interfaces Chapter in upcoming book: "Emerging Technologies of Augmented Reality: Interfaces & Design" Michael Haller, Mark Billinghurst, Bruce Thomas, editors. 2006. Idea group inc. publishers (bib) |
In recent years, a number of prototypical demonstrators have shown that augmented reality has the potential to improve manual work processes as much as desktop computers and office tools have improved administrative work. Yet, it seems that the classical concept of augmented reality is not enough. Real applications in industry and medicine are reluctant to adopt it wholeheartedly due to current limitations of head-mounted display technology and due to the overall dangers involved in overwhelming a user's view of the real world with virtual information. It is more likely that moderate amounts of augmented reality will be integrated into a more general interaction environment with many displays and devices, involving tangible, immersive, wearable and hybrid concepts of ubiquitous and wearable computing. We call this emerging paradigm Ubiquitous Augmented Reality (UAR). By reading this chapter, readers should understand the rationale and the concepts for defining a scheme of different classes of design considerations that need to be taken into account when designing UAR-based interfaces. Readers should see how, for classes with finite numbers of design considerations, systematic approaches can be used to analyze such design options. For less well-defined application scenarios, the chapter presents authoring tools and a framework for exploring interaction concepts. Finally, a report on lessons learned from implementing such tools and from discussing them within expert teams of user interface designers is intended to provide an indication of progress made thus far and next steps to be taken. | ||
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