
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
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Lab Course / Praktikum: Project Management and Software Development for Medical Applications

by Prof. Navab
Tutors: Ralf Stauder, Amit Shah and Tobias Benz

Type: Master Practical Course Module IN2106, Module IN8902, Module IN4136
SWS: 6
Programs: Biomedical Computing (Master), Informatics (Master), Informatics (Diploma)
ECTS: 10 Credits
Weekly Meeting: Wednesdays 15:30 (s.t.) - 17:00, MI 03.13.010

The course will be conducted in English.


Please check back here regularly, as important news will be posted here.

  • July 8, 2013: Schedule for final presentations announced.
  • June 14, 2013: Please note the updated schedule for the intermediate presentations.
  • March 12, 2013: The schedule has been set and registration to the course is now open.


Please fill out the registration form and send it to Ralf Stauder.


General content

The Lab Course is intended to teach basic concepts of the software project management and development for medical and intra-operative applications. You will be confronted with a brief introduction to the software project management concepts such as requirement analysis, software design, coding guidelines and unified modeling language (UML). Furthermore, you will be exposed to basic concepts of the C++ programming language, graphical user interface programming using Qt and OpenGL. Last but not least topics like version control, deployment and test will be explored. You will be assigned a medical software project to apply the mentioned concepts in a real-life scenario.


This course requires basic knowledge in C++. The concepts of OO Programming and other concepts as conducted in the Introduction to CS lecture are assumed.


Date Topic Conducted by Materials
17 April 2013 Organizational issues, projects announcement Course Tutors and Projects' Supervisors Slides
24 April 2013 Software Project Management Tobias Benz Slides
Project assignment deadline (via email: registration e-mail)  
1 May 2013 No lecture due to holiday!    
8 May 2013 Unified Modeling Language UML Ralf Stauder Slides
15 May 2013 Project Requirement Presentations Course Tutors and Projects' Supervisors Reminder PPTX Slide Template (PPTX) ODP Slide Template (ODP)
22 May 2013 No lecture    
29 May 2013 Documentation, Tests, Design Patterns & Integration Strategy Amit Shah Slides
18 & 19 June 2013 Intermediate Project Presentations and Demos Course Tutors and Projects' Supervisors PDF Reminder
16 & 17 July 2013 Final Project Presentations and Demos Course Tutors and Projects' Supervisors  

Intermediate Presentations Schedule

Slot Student Supervisor Project Title
Tuesday, 18.06.2013, 16:00-18:00
1 Volodymyr Chernii Dr. Armin Schneider 19 Gesture based flexible endoscope control
2 Laura Flores Sánchez Dr. Dimitrios Karampinos 20 MRI-based estimation of tissue iron concentration using quantitative susceptibility mapping
3 Nicola Leucht Amit Shah 1 Optical and Electromagnetic Tracking Fusion for guiding medical imaging probe
4 Kevin Merckx Ralf Stauder 12 Development of a survey platform and evaluation for medical usability studies
5 Franziskus Neuhoff Dr. Georg Schummers 22 Prototype for TomTec product ‘4D RV-Analysis’
6 Rebecca Rittstieg Dr. Ahmad Ahmadi 9 Integrated GUI Development for Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis based on 3D-Ultrasound
Wednesday, 19.06.2013, 15:30-18:00
7 Liubov Merina Dr. Christian Vollmar 8 Quantification of U-Fibers from Diffusion Tensor Images in focal epilepsy
8 Nicola Rieke Christoph Hennersperger 11 Segmentation and visualization of ultrasound tensor field images of the abdominal aorta.
9 Alina Roitberg Bernhard Fuerst 2 Probabilistic and Dynamic Matching of Related Signals
10 Mehrdad Salehi Benjamín Gutiérrez Becker 7 Skull CT visualization and matching
11 Mirije Shefiti, Ergün Kayis Dr. Diana Mateus 21 Special: Machine Learning Crossover
12 Stefan Winzek Loic Peter 10 I3: Interactive and Intelligent Interface for stem cell tracking
13 Markus Zweng Dr. Diana Mateus 21 Special: Machine Learning Crossover

Final Presentations Schedule

Slot Student(s) Supervisor Project # down Title
11 Nicola Leucht Amit Shah 1 Optical and Electromagnetic Tracking Fusion for guiding medical imaging probe
2 Stefan Winzek Loic Peter 10 I3: Interactive and Intelligent Interface for stem cell tracking
8 Nicola Rieke Christoph Hennersperger 11 Segmentation and visualization of ultrasound tensor field images of the abdominal aorta.
10 Kevin Merckx Ralf Stauder 12 Development of a survey platform and evaluation for medical usability studies
13 Volodymyr Chernii Dr. Armin Schneider 19 Gesture based flexible endoscope control
4 Alina Roitberg Bernhard Fürst 2 Probabilistic and Dynamic Matching of Related Signals
12 Laura Flores Sánchez Dr. Dimitrios Karampinos 20 MRI-based estimation of tissue iron concentration using quantitative susceptibility mapping
1 Markus Zweng Dr. Diana Mateus 21 Catheter segmentation using robust unsupervised Learning
7 Mirije Shefiti, Ergün Kayis Dr. Diana Mateus 21 Manifolds of Cardiac Motion
9 Franziskus Neuhoff Dr. Georg Schummers 22 Prototype for TomTec product ‘4D RV-Analysis’
3 Mehrdad Salehi Benjamín Gutiérrez-Becker 7 Skull CT visualization and matching
5 Liubov Merina Dr. Christian Vollmar 8 Quantification of U-Fibers from Diffusion Tensor Images in focal epilepsy
6 Rebecca Rittstieg Dr. Ahmad Ahmadi 9 Integrated GUI Development for Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis based on 3D-Ultrasound
Tuesday, 16.07.2013 16:00-18:00
Wednesday, 17.07.2013 16:00-18:00

Available Projects

Registration only via email to Ralf Stauder: registration e-mail

BMC students may only choose Projects with a "+" in the column "BMC". Other students may choose any project, but are encouraged to have a closer look at the non-BMC projects due to the more limited list of projects for BMC students.

Project ID Title BMC? Supervisor Additional Material
1 ASSIGNED! Optical and Electromagnetic Tracking Fusion for guiding medical imaging probe + Amit Shah PDF Project Proposal
2 ASSIGNED! Probabilistic and Dynamic Matching of Related Signals + Bernhard Fürst PDF Project Proposal
3 Biomechanical simulation of respiratory motion using CUDA for collision detection + Bernhard Fürst PDF Project Proposal
4 Validation of Post-Operative MRI/US Registration based on derived Landmarks + Wolfgang Wein PDF Project Proposal
5 The use of machine learning techniques in the classification of large supernovae samples.   -   Marco De Pascale PDF Project Proposal
6 A segmentation and registration toolbox for multi‐modality microscopic images + Tingying Peng PDF Project Proposal
7 ASSIGNED! Skull CT visualization and matching + Benjamín Gutiérrez Becker PDF Project Proposal
8 ASSIGNED! Quantification of U-Fibers from Diffusion Tensor Images in focal epilepsy + Dr. Christian Vollmar PDF Project Proposal
9 ASSIGNED! Integrated GUI Development for Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis based on 3D-Ultrasound + Ahmad Ahmadi PDF Project Proposal
10 ASSIGNED! I3: Interactive and Intelligent Interface for stem cell tracking + Loic Peter PDF Project Proposal
11 ASSIGNED! Segmentation and visualization of ultrasound tensor field images of the abdominal aorta + ChristophHennersperger PDF Project Proposal
12 ASSIGNED! Development of a survey platform and evaluation for medical usability studies + Ralf Stauder PDF Project Proposal

Passing requirements

  • Active participation in the lecture meetings
  • Submission of all assignments in time
  • Present your final assignment work



Documenting your code

  • Doxygen, a documentation system for C++, C, Java, Objective-C, Python, IDL (Corba and Microsoft flavors), Fortran, VHDL, PHP, C#, and to some extent D.

MS Visual Studio (2010)

  • Can be downloaded on the TUM Maniac Server
  • Short tutorial on how to create a Win32 Console Project, and to run it
  • Tutorial with some debugging tips and tricks in MS Visual Studio (this tutorial features some C# code, but the tips and tricks shown should work similarly on C++ code).





Not found what you are looking for?

Title: Project Management and Software Development for Medical Applications
Professor: Prof. Dr. Nassir Navab
Tutors: Ralf Stauder, Amit Shah and Tobias Benz
Type: Praktikum
Information: 10 ECTS credits
Term: 2013SoSe
Abstract: The Lab Course is intended to teach basic concepts of the software project management and development for medical and intra-operative applications. You will be confronted with a brief introduction to the software project management concepts such as requirement analysis, software design, coding guidelines and unified modeling language (UML). Furthermore, you will be exposed to basic concepts of the C++ programming language, graphical user interface programming using Qt and OpenGL. Last but not least topics like version control, deployment and test will be explored. You will be assigned a medical software project to apply the mentioned concepts in a real-life scenario.

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