Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) - IN2021
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Nassir Navab & invited speakers.
Module IN2021: 4+0 SWS, 6 ECTS, Praktische Informatik, Wahlfach
Time & Location:
Further information:
- The classes and exam are in English.
- In case of organizational questions, please contact Pascal Fallavollita.
- Haase, Raphael; Korhammer,Daniela; Schoch,Alexander ----> 10 euro deposits available at Pascal's office on Fridays.
- The 20 euro deposit of the Siemens trip can be picked up at Abouzar Eslami's office.
Computer science is playing an important, increasing role in medical practices. Medical imaging companies are no more asked by physicians to only produce images of anatomy. Instead, they are asked to design software and hardware systems to provide complex computer-aided solutions for diagnosis, intervention and therapy. There are more and more opportunities for computer science graduates to contribute to the development and deployment of medical solutions. Within the operating rooms, there is an increasing need for the integration and visualization of heterogeneous data acquired by numerous sensors.
This course on computer aided medical procedures exposes the students to the challenges of building the operating rooms of the future. The main focus of the course is in imaging technologies especially intra-operative imaging as well as the visualization of this data. Techniques like segmentation and registration will be explained in various classes.
There will be invited guests from the hospital Rechts der Isar and also medical companies in the classes. They will talk about the physical properties and the clinical use of the different modalitries and techniques. The invited guests will be announced in the course schedule below.
Here is a rough overview of the topics that were presented in last year's lecture:
- Introduction
- Computer-Aided Surgery and Exemplary Applications
- Image Processing and Segmentation
- Registration
- Basics of Tracking Technologies
- Visualization and Medical Augmented Reality
- Surgical Workflow - Analysis, Monitoring and Applications
- Basics of Radiography (X-Ray, CT etc.) - Physical Properties, Applications, Radiation Therapy
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Basics, Advanced MRI and Applications
- Ultrasound Imaging
- Nuclear Medicine (PET/SPECT)
For a more detailed overview, see
last year's lecture.
- Interest in medical image processing
- Knowledge in medical image acquisition / image modalities
- Deep insight into medical image computing
This lecture is going to be succeeded by "Computer Aided Medical Procedures 2"
(see summer term 2010 CAMP 2 lecture page) (2+2 SWS, 6 ECTS) in the next summer term (which is recommended, but not obligatory).
Course Registration

Please fill in this as soon as possible.
Alternatively, you can write an email to
Stefanie Demirci providing the following information: first name, last name, email address, study program, semester, and which other lectures your are attending at this chair (CAMP2, 3DCV, etc.). Please use the following line as the subject:
"[CAMP-1 Lecture] Registration". We will send you a confirmation email - in case you do not receive any confirmation email within approximately one week, please contact us again. Your registration is not binding but enables us to send you information about changes in schedule in the future.
Course Schedule
password is needed to access the lecture slides and materials. This will be announced in the first lecture.
Field Trips
Within the CAMP lecture, we try to bring students into contact with industrial leaders providing computer-aided medical systems and software. We plan to arrange the following trips for this lecture. Please note that other lectures overlapping with the field trip days will not be canceled or repeated.
Siemens AG Healthcare
Date: Tue, Jan. 24 2012
There will be a half-day field trip to
Siemens AG Healthcare in Erlangen. A bus will be provided, bringing students from TUM Garching to the Siemens site and back. The two Siemens sites in Erlangen and Forchheim serve as research and production sites for CT (Computed Tomography), AX (Angiography / X-Ray), MR (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), and SP (Special Products).
- 6:45 sharp: Meet at the department front door (subway station)
- 07:00 - 09:00: Transfer to Siemens CT/AX, Forchheim
- 09:15: Visit of the AX & CT factory, Mr. Manfred Kraft
- 10:15: Angiography (Physics & Recon Algorhythem), Room New York ( 10:00-14:00 ), Dr. Markus Kowarschik
- 11:15: Computed Tomography (Physics & Recon Algorhythem), Room New York, Dr. Dominik Bernhardt
- 12:15: Transfer to Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Alle am Roethelheim
- 12:45: Lunch (Staff Canteen Factory Erlangen)
- 13:45: Sidewalk to Henkestr. 127
- 14:00: Magnetic Resonance (Physics & Recon Algorhythem), Room Gr. VS, Henkestr. 127, Dr. Lars Lauer
- 15:00: Mammography and Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (Physics & Recon Algorhythem ), Room New York ( 10:00-14:00 ), Dr. Anna Jerebko
- 15:45: Vist of the Magnetic Resonance factory, Mr. Manfred Kraft
- 17:00-19:00 Return transfer to Garching
- The field trip is free of charge, but the number of persons is limited.
- To confirm the registration, a 20 Euros deposit is needed. It will be given back on the bus to Siemens.
Nuklearmedizinische Klinik, Klinikum r. d. Isar
BrainLab AG
Thursday Dec 22, 2011
There will be a half-day field trip to
BrainLAB AG. BrainLAB provides advanced radiotherapy, radiosurgery, neurosurgery, orthopedic and ENT surgery products, services, and software solutions worldwide.
We will meet directly at BrainLAB at
13:45pm sharp. We cannot provide a bus for this field trip, so you have to get there by yourselves (you can share cars or go by public transport). The address is BrainLAB AG,
Kapellenstr. 12, 85622 Feldkirchen. For directions to BrainLAB have look at
this instructions on the BrainLAB website.
- The field trip is free of charge, but the number of persons is limited to 40
- To confirm the registration, a 10 Euros deposit is needed. It will be given back at the meeting point at BrainLAB.
Tuesday Nov. 8th 2011 and Tuesday Jan 31, 2012
Meeting point: Directly at the
1:00pm sharp.
Follow the "NARVIS" signs and/or these directions:
- Take U6 line to Sendlinger tor.
- After entering the building (Nussbaumstr. 20) use the staircase on the left side. At the staircase you will find signs leading you to the lab
- Inside the building look for Station 3, which is in the second floor. In the same floor you'll find the NARVIS room (C2.06)
There will be two exams, with the second primarily being the "repeat exam" for the first.
Time & Location:
- Type: written, closed book (i.e. no material allowed), approx. 90 minutes
- Information about exam procedure: Merkblatt zur Klausurdurchführung (in German only, English version to come)
- Grading of the exam:
- Approx. 80% for questions and problems to solve on the CAMP lectures.
- Approx. 20% for questions on invited talks.
- No questions about the field trips.
- The exam results will be published at TUM-Online.
- Please register via TUM-Online under German title "Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin" (IN2021)
- In case you can not (for any reason) register via TUM-Online, register personally at the Infopoint for Informatics Students (MI 00.10.013).
- You are free to skip the first exam and directly register for the second exam, but in this case note that there will no further repeat exam in the summer term!
Primary Literature
- Overview
- [Peters2008] Terry M. Peters, Kevin Cleary: Image-Guided Interventions: Technology and Applications. Springer, 1st edition 2008
- [Peters2000] Terry M. Peters: Image-guided surgery: From X-rays to Virtual Reality. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin, 4(1):27-57, 2000
- Modalities
- Computed Tomography
- Magnetic Resonance Tomography
- Image Processing / (Filtering, Morpholgical Operations, and Basic Segmentation Methods):
- Segmentation:
- [Pham2000] Dzung L. Pham, Chenyang Xu, and Jerry L. Prince. Current methods in medical image segmentation. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, 2:315-337, 2000. doi:10.1146/annurev.bioeng.2.1.315
- [MortensenLiveWire1992] E. Mortensen, B. Morse, W. Barrett, and J. Udupa: Adaptive Boundary Detection Using "Live-Wire" Two-Dimensional Dynamic Programming. Computers in Cardiology 1992. pp. 635-638. doi:10.1109/CIC.1992.269378
- [FalcaoLiveWire1998] A. X. Falcão et al.: User-Steered Image Segmentation Paradigms: Live Wire and Live Lane. Graphical Models and Image Processing 1998. Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 233-260. doi:10.1006/gmip.1998.0475
- [Kass1988] M. Kass, A. Witkin, and D. Terzopoulos. Snakes: Active contour models. International Journal of Computer Vision. Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 321-331. 1988. doi:10.1007/BF00133570
- [SethianLevelSetFastMarching] J. A. Sethian: Level Set Methods and Fast Marching Methods. Evolving Interfaces in Computational Geometry, Fluid Mechanics, Computer Vision, and Materials Science. Cambridge University Press
- Registration:
- [Maintz1998] Maintz, J.B.A. & Viergever, M.A. A survey of medical image registration Medical Image Analysis, 1998, 2, 1-36
- [Hajnal2001] J. V. Hajnal, D. L. G. Hill, and D. J. Hawkes: Medical Image Registration. CRC Press, Biomedical Engineering Series, 2001
- Computer Vision:
- Computer Aided Surgery:
- [Grimson1999] W. Eric L. Grimson, Ron Kikinis, Ferenc A. Jolesz, and Peter McL. Black: Image-Guided Surgery. Scientific American, 280(6) pp. 62-69, 1999
Secondary Literature