A new type of course:
- you will learn the basics of some intraoperative and minimal-invasive surgeries
- you will work in teams of 3
- you will participate in an actual surgery and record the procedure - from patient anaesthesia to finish
- you will directly talk to the surgeons about the procedure and come up with a defined process including interfaces, logistical approaches, use of technologies
- you will then work in your teams analyzing these processes and come-up with possible improvements (use of diagnostic imaging, logistical improvements, ...)
- ... and try to translate that into an actual proposal for the surgical team
- there will be a presentation to everyone on the procedure itself and
- a final presentation (to everyone) including a proposal for the surgical teams
Participants learn the basics of medical applications in minimally invasive image guided surgery and related hybrid imaging. They gain the knowledge to understand the complex medical environment as well as its challenges in order to improve these procedures (including logistics and imaging in the operating theatre of the future). With knowledge about technology and algorithm they can model and master complex solutions. Besides the medical and technical knowledge, definition of clinical, technical projects in the field of intra operative imaging and navigation for minimal invasive surgery is the core focus during the course. Exposure to real world problems makes this a unique setup for modeling and implementing creative solutions.
Administrative Info
Lecture: affiliate Prof. Dr. Michael Friebe and Dr. Jörg Traub
Tutor: Philipp Matthies
Type: Lecture + Lab Courses Module IN2286
Programs: Informatics (Bachelor, Master)
Biomedical Computing (Master)
Information Systems (Wirtschaftsinformatik) (Bachelor, Master)
SWS: 2+2
ECTS: 6 Credits
Course Language: English
Time, Location & Requirements
Lecture: The lecture will be held in 6 morning blocks of four hours each (8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.), the dates are:
- Block 1: October 18, 2013 -- special guest - Jessica Schulz, PhD, EXIST Project EMOTRAC, Max Planck in MI 03.13.010
- Block 2: October 25, 2013
- Block 3: November 8, 2013
- Block 4: December 20, 2013 -- special guest - Arno Bücker, MD, Professor Radiology, University Saarland.
Block 5: January 17, 2014 -- special guest - Dirk Sunderbrink, SIEMENS Surgical
This time the lecture takes place from 10:00 - 15:00 .
- Block 6: January 31, 2014
- Auxiliary Block: February 07, 2014
Location: Conference room in IAS basement
We will have teams working on NOTES procedures, conventional laparoscopy / bronchoscopy, arthroscopy, stenting interventions, and possibly other. The surgeries will be performed in Munich hospitals. The teams will be asked to contact the head surgeons for an appointment and arrange for a Q&A session before and/or after the surgery. The surgery should be well documented -- please use an engineering approach to analyze the procedures.
Please note that the lecturers will be available 30 minutes prior to and 1 hour after the lecture in their office in the TUM-IAS building (Room 2.004), 2nd floor, right, last one on the left.
- The classes and assignments are in English
- Assignments are to be composed in English only
- Special - relevant - assignments after every lecture to be discussed and presented during the succeeding lecture
- Midterm presentation (Powerpoint or equivalent) of 15 minutes including the medical basics of the procedure, equipment used, evaluation of procedure (logistics, use of equipment, timing, who is involved and individual roles, other relevant informations, and next steps ...)
- Final presentation (Powerpoint or equivalent) of 15 minutes of defined process, engineering and computer science relevant evaluation, identification of process improvement, actual process improvement (pick one topic) with diagnostic imaging (improve quality and surgical accuracy? improve timing of procedure? forensic information? cost improvement? ...)
- Prepare a 10-15 page document on the findings, if possible create a prototype
Registration is only possible via TUMonline starting September 23, 2013 at 05:00pm. There will be a limit of 15 participants, priority is given by time of registration.
- Grading will be based on attendance (10%), the midterm presentation (10%), the final group presentation (15%), the proposal document and project work (35%), and a written test (45 minutes) on the technology basics (20%) -- additional bonus points for the special assignments (10%)
One excused (E-Mail at least two days prior to lecture with reason) absence will be accepted, two excused absences will cause a "4" in attendance, a non-excused absence equals failure of the course. That includes the attendance of the surgeries and Q&A sessions. The first block is mandatory!
- Clinical collaborators include Prof. Dr. E. Euler (Trauma Surgery, Navigated Orthopedic Surgery), Dr. Simon Weidert (Trauma Surgery, Navigated Orthopedic Surgery), Dr. med. Reza Ghotbi (Endovascular Surgery), Prof. Dr. Hubertus Feußner (Minimal Invasive, Laparoscopic Surgery), Prof. Dr. Hubert Hautmann (Pneumologie, Navigated Bronchoscopy) ... (more to follow).