Lab Course BioInnovation: from unmet clinical needs to solution concepts

Dr. Christoph Hennersperger,
Prof. Nassir Navab
Julia Rackerseder,
Dr. Benjamin Frisch,
Dominik Böhler
Type: Master Practical Course
Module IN2106,
Module IN2257,
Module IN8021
Course Title: BioInnovation: from unmet clinical needs to solution concepts -
Link to TUMOnline
Programs lab course: Biomedical Computing (Master), Informatics (Master), Informatics (Diploma)
Programs elective course: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, School of Management
SWS: 6
ECTS: 10 Credits
Meetings: See
schedule below
The course will be conducted in English.
What is BioInnovation?
Do you want to find out about medical innovation? Do you want to develop a concept that can solve a clinical need? Do you want to find a good idea for a start-up company?
Then you should join BioInnovation, a hands-on seminar where you learn how to successfully identify unmet clinical needs within the clinical routine and work towards possible and realistic solutions to solve those needs. You get to know tools helping you to be a successful innovator in medical technology. This includes all steps from needs finding and selection to defining appropriate solution concepts, including the development of first prototypes. During the course, necessary steps for successful idea and concept creation are presented and fully realized in interdisciplinary project teams. During the project phase, each team is supported by coaches from academia, industry and medicine, in order to allow for direct and continuous exchange.
Course Features
- Work in interdisciplinary teams.
- Spend a minimum of three full days in full clinical immersion, identifying unmet needs.
- Get training by UnternehmerTUM tutors about coordinated brain storming, needs identification, needs selection and concept generation.
- Build your first prototype, with support from UnternehmerTUM MakerSpace.
For more details about the course and our project BioInnovation please visit the project webpage:
Who should participate?
We accept and encourage students of all possible disciplines to join for this lab course. Focusing on medical technology and applications to the clinical routine, we anticipate a broad field of studies as main audience, including:
- Computer scientists
- Engineers of any kind
- Biologists, chemists, physicists
- Business administration and economics students
Students should have basic knowledge and understanding of medical technology, with an interested in innovation within field. Due to the interdisciplinarity of project teams, skills within the respective area of specialty will be required throughout the progress of the lab course.
We encourage students to work pro-actively with exchange within, but also across the borders of the teams.
Passing requirements
- Active participation and presence in the skills blocks and meetings
- Submission of all assignments in time
- Presentation of intermediate and final concept work.
How to be part of it
Please apply for this lab course by email in advance. We will select appropriate candidates based on their background, interests, and motiviation. The notification of acceptance to the course will be distributed before final courses have to be selected. For application, please send your CV, an up to date score sheet, and a paragraph explaining your motivation for applying to this course (10 lines max) to before 06-JUL-2016 if you are a computer science student and will be matched via the course assignment system, please do not forget to also register there.
All other students are welcome to apply until 31-AUG-2016
Collaborating Medical Departments
Will be announced soon
Important News
Please check back here regularly, as important news will be posted here.
Course Phases
Period | Working Phase |
18-OCT - 24-OCT | Tools at hand for successful innovation in medical technology |
24-OCT - 25-NOV | Clinical observation in practice and daily routine |
25-NOV - 01-DEC | Needs selection and presentation |
01-DEC - 12-JAN | Concept brainstorming and creation |
12-JAN - 26-JAN | Prototype construction, concept development and testing |
Date | Topic | Conducted by | Location | Materials |
28-JUN-2016 0900-1000 | Preliminary meeting ("Vorbesprechung") | Course Tutors | CAMP Seminar Room, 03.13.010 | Slides |
18-OCT-2016 1215-1400 | Introductory meeting, course organization, schedule | Course Tutors | CAMP Seminar Room, 03.13.010 | Slides |
20-OCT-2016 0900-1300 | Needs finding from A-Z | Course Tutors, Medical Experts, UnternehmerTUM | UnternehmerTUM Room 001 | |
27-OCT-2016 0900-1600 | All about teams, brainstorming and concept creation | UnternehmerTUM | IAS Conference room | |
10-NOV-2016 0900-1300 | Needs evaluation and selection | UnternehmerTUM | UnternehmerTUM Room 003 | |
Individual per team | Clinical immersion interim meeting, discussion with coaches and tutors | Course Tutors | tba | |
01-DEC-2016 1400-1700 | Presentation and selection of clinical need. | Course Participants, UnternehmerTUM | UnternehmerTUM room Anton | |
Individual per team | Concept brainstorming interim meeting, discussion with coaches and tutors | Course Tutors | tba | |
12-JAN-2017 1400-1700 | Presentation of concept solving unmet need. | Course Participants | UnternehmerTUM room 003 | |
individual per team | Concept and prototype interim meeting, discussion with coaches and tutors | Course Participants, Course Tutors, Coaches | tba | |
26-JAN-2017 1900-2200 | Presentation of final concept prototypes solving an unmet need (jury, public evening event) | Course Participants | Vorhoelzer Forum | |
Literature and Resources