
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Innovation Generation in the Healthcare Domain (special focus on AI/DL and Blockchain in Healthcare)

The lecture is part of the Medical Technology Entrepreneurship Series developed from entrepreneurs to motivate the next generation of entrepreneurs.

In winter term 2010/2011 we introduced the new lecture Medical Imaging Entrepreneurship. This lecture was very successful and one team even won with their business plan from the lecture in the Munich Business Plan Competition and the Science4Life Business Plan Competition. Inspired by this lecture, another participant founded the software company celonis.

Successful lectures followed in summer term 2011 and winter term 2011/2012 which were extended to 2 SWS to cover the area of medical imaging entrepreneurship in even more detail. The concept proved to work out and we offer the lecture this winter semester the 10th time, the focus this time on Design Engineering, Conceptual Blockbusting, Business Model Canvas, Innovation Games, and Motivation Toolkit in a condensed 3 block format.

This lecture is for everyone who is interested in being an innovator in his employed function, as potential entrepreneur, but also for everyone else who wants to understand the innovation generation in the healthcare domain leading to entrepreneurial activities. We will NOT write a business plan, but focus on the most important aspects of validating innovation approaches and subsequently adjusting them after customer feedback.

Administrative Info

Lecture by:
Dr. Jörg Traub (main lecturer) & Prof. Dr. Michael Friebe

Matthias Keicher and Christine Eilers

Type: Lecture
Programs: Informatics (Bachelor, Master)
Biomedical Computing (Master)
Information Systems (Wirtschaftsinformatik) (Bachelor, Master)
SWS: 2+2
ECTS: 6 Credits
Course Language: English

Time, Location & Requirements

Lecture: All dates are mandatory, everyone who will not show up in time during the 1st lecture will have no guaranteed place in the course.

The lecture will be held in 6 blocks of 3 hours each.

  • Block 1: 06.11.2020, 13:00 - 16:00
  • Block 2: 20.11.2020, 13:00 - 16:00
  • Block 3: 04.12.2020, 13:00 - 16:00
  • Block 4: 18.12.2020, 13:00 - 16:00
  • Block 5: 15.01.2020, 13:00 - 16:00
  • Block 6: 05.02.2020, 13:00 - 16:00

Location: virtual


  • The classes and assignments are in English
  • Assignments are to be composed in English only
  • There will be a short review examination (45 minutes) on the lecture content during the final block
  • Midterm and final presentation (in teams of ~3)
  • Documentation
  • Active participation in the team work



Participants of last year's course

Marshmallow challenge winners

Innovation Games


A Business Idea in the healthcare domain involving AI/DL or Blockchain will be generated and validated through innovation games, customer development and field exercises. All assignments are team work in teams of 3 students. There will be one assignment before each class including a preparation assignment before the first lecture. There will be several assignments.


The methods presented and actually applied during this lecture - using a concrete topic or problem - will also help to make the teams work more closely together and more innovative. It will also teach how to employ / utilize external help to define, question, and reach the project target. Such a "best-off" summary has never been prepared or taught. It is therefore also planned to edit the script in combination with the actual teaching results (including some videos of the tools, games, motivational ideas, ...) and create a teaching file that will be published as E-book.

The lectures goal is to introduce and familiarize the students with a selection of proven design, motivation, and management methods for innovation creation of products / services / concepts for the Healthcare sector (including MedTec, Life Sciences, Medicine) after the innovation theories have been presented. While the tools can be used for other sectors as well, some special aspects of the healthcare environment will be discussed.

The lecture includes:

  • Business and market basics in biomedical computing, medical imaging, AI/DL and Blockchain Technology (software, services, products)
  • Qualifications of a technology entrepreneur and a related high-tech venture (products and services)
  • Validating and refining a business idea
  • Customer Development
  • Introduction in setting up a startup company
  • Presentation of innovation games and CANVAS for translation/improvement of ideas/concepts
  • Conceptual Blockbusting Techniques
  • Present the concept in front of an investment panel

Lecture Schedule

In addition to the lecture there will be talks by several experts from the domain of medical technology.



  • MUST READ: Brant Cooper, Patrick Vlaskovits -- THE LEAN ENTREPRENEUR -- ISBN 978-1-118-29534-2
    5 books available in the library, eBook version.
  • MUST READ: Alexander Osterwalder -- Business Model Generation -- ISBN 978-0470876411
    5 books available in the library, eBook download here (password protected).
  • MUST READ: Steve Blank Slide Share - particularly up to Slide 115 here
  • MUST READ: Alexander Osterwalder und Yves Pigneur – Value Propositon Design - particularly 100 page preview
  • SHOULD READ: Eric Ries, The Lean Startup, ISBN 978-0307887894
  • SHOULD READ: Langdon Morris, THE INNOVATION MASTER PLAN, downloadable (Chapter 5) here
  • SHOULD READ: Peter Merrill, Innovation Generation, ISBN 978-0873897341, Look inside.
  • Additional reading will be supplied!

Title: Innovation Generation in the Healthcare Domain
Professor: Dr. Joerg Traub, Prof. Dr. Michael Friebe
Tutors: Matthias Keicher, Christine Eilers
Type: Lecture
Information: 2 SWS lecture / 2 SWS Excercise , 6 ECTS Credits (Module IN9048)
Term: 2020WiSe
Abstract: This lecture is for everyone who is interested in being an innovator in his employed function, as potential entrepreneur, but also for everyone else who wants to understand the innovation generation in the healthcare domain leading to entrepreneurial activities. We will focus on the most important aspects of validating innovation approaches and subsequently adjusting them after customer feedback.

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