
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Doctoral Defense by Christian Schulte zu Berge


Real-Time Processing for Advanced Ultrasound Visualization

Abstract: This work focuses on the development of visual computing techniques for advanced medical ultrasound visualization. At first, techniques for improved 2D B-mode ultrasound visualization are presented where the observer is provided with real-time feedback on the uncertainty present in the image. The second part of this thesis then introduces an orientation-driven ultrasound compounding approach to create high-quality 3D ultrasound volumes. Finally, a novel predicate-based classification technique allows for more meaningful visualization of such data.

The talk will be in English and is open to the public. Everybody is cordially invited to attend.

Title: PhD? defense of Christian Schulte zu Berge: „Real-Time Processing for Advanced Ultrasound Visualization”
Date: 1 September 2016
Location: FMI-Building, Room 00.05.035
Abstract: This work focuses on the development of visual computing techniques for advanced medical ultrasound visualization. At first, techniques for improved 2D B-mode ultrasound visualization are presented where the observer is provided with real-time feedback on the uncertainty present in the image. The second part of this thesis then introduces an orientation-driven ultrasound compounding approach to create high-quality 3D ultrasound volumes. Finally, a novel predicate-based classification technique allows for more meaningful visualization of such data.
Imageurl: gradhat_small.jpg
Type: News

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