Invited Talk January 2007
Invited Talk by Prof. Gabor Szekely
Prof. Gabor Szekely
(Computer Vision Laboratory, ETH Zürich) will be giving an invited talk on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 13:00, in Garching, Room MI 03.13.010.
"Virtual and Augmented Reality Based Simulation for Surgical Skill Training"
Virtual reality based simulation of medical procedures has become
a rapidly developing research area during the past decade. A large
number of academic and commercial systems have been developed,
offering the possibility for training and planning procedures for
a very wide spectrum of applications. Nevertheless, until recently
the realistic simulation of complete interventions in real-time, as
necessary for advanced skill training, has been impossible due to
numerous technological barriers. Thanks to significant advances in
algorithmic and hardware development during the past few years, high
fidelity training simulation is today within reach, at least for some
selected interventions especially in minimally invasive surgery. The
talk will analyze recent results with special emphasis on anatomical
scene generation, modeling and simulation of tissue behavior and
development of virtual surgical instruments. The power of these
techniques will be demonstrated on a simulator system allowing the
training of diagnostic and therapeutic hysteroscopic interventions.
In many cases it is very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve
the necessary level of realism by just relying on virtual reality
technology. The major reason for this deficiency lies in providing
realistic haptic feedback when handling hard tissues (like bones)
or when the surgeon is interacting with the tissue directly by
his/her hands. In principle, augmented reality offers an elegant
solution to such problems. Unfortunately, no similarly mature
technology is available today, as compared to VR-based simulation. The
talk will also summarize current efforts and achievements on the field,
which will hopefully open the way for highly realistic, multi-modal
augmented reality-based simulation environments.