Kick-Off Session Focus Group Intra-Operative Therapy & Inaugural Lecture of TUM-IAS Fellow Dr. Michael Friebe

Prof. Dr. Michael Friebe
TUM-IAS Rudolf Diesel Fellow
- Date: Friday, May 17, 2013
- Time: 11:50am
- Location: TUM Institute for Advanced Study, Auditorium, Lichtenbergstraße 2a, Garching
Intraoperative Image Guided Therapies -- I2gT
The research activities of the group of IAS - Fellow Michael Friebe focus on the combination of minimal-invasive therapy techniques with diagnostic imaging and navigation techniques (e.g. application of intra-operative radiation therapy, MRI guided high focussed ultrasound, intra-operative SPECT with MRI guidance, ...).
An initial development goal is to use advanced MRI imaging to find and localize small pathologies and subsequently perform minimal-invasive therapy with a small radiation source and continuous intra-operative imaging for visualization and navigation.
To achieve the development of useable systems and procedures a translational approach and close and intensive interdisciplinary collaboration is required between the clinical specialists / users (Surgical Oncology, Radiation Therapy, Gynecology, Dermatology, Urology, Minimal Invasive Surgery, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine ...) and the technical faculties (Medical Technology, Physics, Informatics, Medical Physics, ...).
Poster with program