Invited Talk by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Willi A. Kalender: High resolution CT of the breast at very low dose
High resolution CT of the breast at very low dose
X-ray computed tomography (CT) has been proposed and evaluated recently as a potential alternative method for breast imaging. Efforts so far showed success with respect to contrast-enhanced dynamic imaging, but suffered from limited spatial resolution. Respective efforts and clinical results will be reviewed.
The new concept presented here builds upon micro-CT scanning approaches and aims at providing both high spatial resolution at better than 100 μm for micro-calcification imaging with scan times below 10 seconds and advanced dynamic scan capabilities with continuous acquisition for differential diagnosis of lesions. To achieve this, spiral scan modes, slipring technology, high-resolution detectors and high-power micro-focus X-ray tubes are demanded. The concept has been evaluated and confirmed by simulations and by prototype studies; breast CT can outperform digital mammography. Clinical studies are expected around the end of 2013.