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One paper and one tutorial accepted at IROS 2012

T. Birdal, D. Mateus, S. Ilic
Towards A Complete Framework For Deformable Surface Recovery Using RGBD Cameras
IEEE IROS'12 Workshop on Color-Depth Fusion in Robotics, Vila Moura, Portugal, October 2012 (bib)
S. Holzer, R. B. Rusu, M. Dixon, S. Gedikli, N. Navab
Real-Time Surface Normal Estimation from Organized Point Cloud Data Using Integral Images
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vila Moura, Algarve, Portugal, October 2012. (bib)

Title: One paper and one tutorial accepted at IROS 2012
Date: 7 October 2012
Abstract: We got one paper and one tutorial accepted at IROS 2012 (IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems). IROS 2012 will be held in Vila Moura, Algarve, Portugal in October (
Imageurl: iros2012.png
Type: Publication

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