
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Grand Opening of the New Narvis Lab and Good-Bye Party for Christopher Stapleton

We'd like to invite you to visit our new lab at Klinikum Innnenstadt on the 8th of August at 6 p.m.. According to the design ideas and suggestions of Christopher Stapleton we developed a creative and collaborative platform for further research projects in the medical field in close collaboration with our medical partners. The new lab is located right next to the ORs and provides space for all kind of activity. It was designed to serve as a lecture room, a show room, a workshop but also as a conference room.

Title: Grand Opening of the New Narvis Lab and Good-Bye Party for Christopher Stapleton
Date: 8 August 2007
Location: Narvis Lab; Klinikum Innenstadt; Room C2.06; 18:00
Abstract: We'd like to invite you to visit our new lab at Klinikum Innnenstadt on the 8th of August at 6 p.m.. According to the design ideas and suggestions of Christopher Stapleton we developed a creative and collaborative platform for further research projects in the medical field in close collaboration with our medical partners. The new lab is located right next to the ORs and provides space for all kind of activity. It was designed to serve as a lecture room, a show room, a workshop but also as a conference room.
Imageurl: logo.JPG
Type: News

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