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Invited Talk VITEC Camera Dynamics


VITEC Camera Dynamics Introduction Presentation


  • Ali Ahmadi (Product & Marketing Manager)
  • Richard Lindsay (Head of Innovation)
  • Chris O'Neill (Director of Manual Products)

Time and Location

Wed., November 19, 2008; 10:00 - 10:30; Room 01.13.007 (seminar room 3, chair of Prof. Krcmar)


The Vitec Group plc :: Broadcasting Systems

The Vitec Group plc :: Camera Dynamics


VITEC Camera Dynamics is a branch of VITEC Corp., hosting several sub-brands which provide professional equipment for the entertaining and broadcasting industry. For details, visit the links above.

The purpose of the visit is to get to know each other's activities mainly. Apart from an internal "get-together" with discussions about our mutual activities and possibilities for cooperations and sponsoring, our visitors have kindly agreed to give a short presentation (max. 20-30 minutes) on the activities of Vitec's sub-division Camera Dynamics. Parts of the presentation will cover topics like:

  • Multi-camera systems, virtual studios
  • Broadcasting studio equipment
  • Camera mounting and supports, lighting equipment etc...

It is important to note that Vitec mostly provides hardware, rather than software solutions. Therefore, the talk will be more informative, rather than scientific. Feel free to join and get informed about one of the world leading companies in professional camera and studio equipment.

Title: VITEC Camera Dynamics Introduction Presentation
Date: 19 November 2008
Location: MI 01.13.007 (seminar room 3 chair of Prof. Krcmar), 10:00 am
Abstract: VITEC Camera Dynamics is a branch of VITEC Corp., hosting several sub-brands which provide professional equipment for the entertaining and broadcasting industry. Represented by Ali Ahmadi (Product & Marketing Manager), Richard Lindsay (Head of Innovation) and Chris O'Neill (Director of Manual Products), the talk will give an overview over current products and innovations at VITEC Camera Dynamics. Feel free to join and get informed about one of the world leading companies in professional camera and studio equipment.
Imageurl: VitecLogoWeb3.jpg
Type: News

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