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Video-based bronchoscope tracking for navigated bronchoscopy

Type: Bachelor Thesis
Student: Benedikt Schultis
Advisor: Nassir Navab
Supervision by: Tobias Reichl, Oliver Kutter


Bronchoscopy is a technique for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in medicine. Thereby a endoscope is inserted in the mouth or nose of the patient and is passed through the trachea in the bronchi. Until now the physicians mostly have to accomplish the examination with only what they see on a monitor and their knowledge of anatomical structures.

Since the bronchus are very complex and have many branches it isn’t easy to stay oriented and so at the expense of the patient the duration of an examination increases. Therefore a system which assists the physicians might be very useful. The main goal is the development of a bronchoscopic navigation system (BNS) that delivers the current position and orientation of the bronchoscope with reasonable visualizations.

In this thesis the tracking process of the bronchoscope based on a 2D-3D registration problem is presented. The 3D-dataset consists of a virtual bronchial tree that is rendered from a given CT-dataset with an iso surface renderer. A flight with a virtual camera through the bronchial tree is simulated to obtain virtual endoscopic images. The 2D dataset are the image frames from the bronchoscopic camera.

Since the pose of the virtual camera in CT space is known the tracking process is reduced to a registration problem where the virtual image which is most similar to the current real image, have to be found. With a given start position and an adequate optimizer and similaritymeasure, this registration step can be performed for each image frame of the real camera and thus we obtain the current position and orientation of the bronchoscope for each frame.

The performance and robustness of our tracking method was tested in experiments and evaluated.


Benedikt Schultis
Video-based Bronchoscope Tracking for Navigated Bronchoscopy
Bachelor's Thesis. Technische Universität München, September 2009 (bib)


  • Mori et al. "Tracking of a bronchoscope using epipolar geometry analysis and intensity-based image registration of real and virtual endoscopic images". Medical Image Analysis, 2002, 6, 321-336
  • Deligianni et al. "Patient-specific bronchoscope simulation with pq-space-based 2D/3D registration". Computer Aided Surgery, 2004, 9, 215-226
  • Mori et al. "New image similarity measures for bronchoscope tracking based on image registration between virtual and real bronchoscopic images". SPIE, 2004, 5369, 165
  • Nagao et al. "Fast and Accurate Bronchoscope Tracking Using Image Registration and Motion Prediction". MICCAI, 2004, 3217, 551-558
  • Mori et al. "Hybrid bronchoscope tracking using a magnetic tracking sensor and image registration". MICCAI, 2005, 3750, 543-550
  • Mori et al. "Bronchoscope tracking based on image registration using multiple initial starting points estimated by motion prediction". MICCAI, 2006, 4191, 645-652
  • Luo et al. "A Study on Feature Point Extraction from Bronchoscopic Images for Bronchoscope Tracking". 17th Meeting of the Japan Society of Computer Assisted Surgery, 2008
  • Sugiura et al. "A study on a method for accelerating bronchoscope tracking based on image registration on GPU". 17th Meeting of the Japan Society of Computer Assisted Surgery, 2008

Title: Video-based bronchoscope tracking for navigated bronchoscopy
Abstract: Bronchoscopy is a technique for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in medicine. Thereby a endoscope is inserted in the mouth or nose of the patient and is passed through the trachea in the bronchi. Until now the physicians mostly have to accomplish the examination with only what they see on a monitor and their knowledge of anatomical structures. Since the bronchus are very complex and have many branches it isn’t easy to stay oriented and so at the expense of the patient the duration of an examination increases. Therefore a system which assists the physicians might be very useful. The main goal is the development of a bronchoscopic navigation system (BNS) that delivers the current position and orientation of the bronchoscope with reasonable visualizations. In this thesis the tracking process of the bronchoscope based on a 2D-3D registration problem is presented. The 3D-dataset consists of a virtual bronchial tree that is rendered from a given CT-dataset with an iso surface renderer. A flight with a virtual camera through the bronchial tree is simulated to obtain virtual endoscopic images. The 2D dataset are the image frames from the bronchoscopic camera. Since the pose of the virtual camera in CT space is known the tracking process is reduced to a registration problem where the virtual image which is most similar to the current real image, have to be found. With a given start position and an adequate optimizer and similaritymeasure, this registration step can be performed for each image frame of the real camera and thus we obtain the current position and orientation of the bronchoscope for each frame. The performance and robustness of our tracking method was tested in experiments and evaluated.
Student: Benedikt Schultis
Director: Nassir Navab
Supervisor: Tobias Reichl, Oliver Kutter
Type: Bachelor Thesis
Area: Registration / Visualization
Status: finished
Start: 2009/04/15
Finish: 2009/09/14

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