Master's Thesis / Diploma Thesis: Upper Body Tracking using a Time of Flight Camera for a Magic Mirror
Thesis by:
Nassir Navab
Supervision by:
Tobias Blum
Magic Mirrors are a visualization concept from the field of Augmented Reality. A person is standing in front of a big screen and a video of the person is shown live on the screen, as if he or she is looking into a mirror. Virtual objects can be augmented onto this video image. In
one project at our chair we are investigating how to use such a Magic Mirror for patient education and consultation, e.g. in plastic surgery to visualize the procedure and the outcome.
One important aspect for such a device is to track the position of the user, so that the augmentations can be shown at the correct position. Your assignment in this project is to develop a software to track the upper body pose of the user with Time of Flight (ToF). These ToF cameras are special cameras that estimate the depth at every pixel. For tracking, a body model must be fit into the point cloud that is generated by the ToF camera.
Project page for the whole project on the Magic Mirror