
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Title: 3D Surface Reconstruction for freehand SPECT
Abstract: The freehand SPECT system developed originally at the Chair for Computer-Aided Medical Procedure and the Nuclear Medicine Department at Klinikum recht der Isar is an intraoperative imaging and navigation device for applications in the field of Surgical Oncology. It enables the creation and visualization of images of radio labeled tissue of the patient, for example tumors and lymph nodes. The purpose of this IDP project is to extend this device with a 3D surface reconstruction of the surface of the patient. The availability of the surface information may allow improvements in image quality as well as a joint display of anatomy (surface of patient) and functional information (reconstructed radioactivity distribution inside of the patient). For example, if the bounding surface of the patient is known only activity spots in the patient can be reconstructed. This will improve the speed of the reconstruction and improve the qualitiy of the reconstructed images. Further if the video feed is not available, the reconstructed SPECT image has no relationship to the patient anatomy. If we have a 3D model of the patient, one could still see where they are located in the patient. Another possibility to improve the device would be to project the image directly onto the patient. For doing so, a 3D surface model of the patient is absolutely necessary. These are only some possible advantages of many, which can be achieved through this work. The result of the project is an application, which can reconstruct the surface of a virtual 3D object from rendered images of two different views. The program is capable of showing the corresponding images (segmented or not) as well as the reconstructed surface as a mesh in 3D. In this sense, this project will prepare the basis for the integration of surface information in freehand SPECT.
Student: Gel Han, Christopher Resch & Christian Wiesner
Director: Nassir Navab
Supervisor: Thomas Wendler & Stefan Wiesner
Type: IDP/Klinisches Anwendungsprojekt
Area: Medical Imaging, Computer Vision
Status: finished
Start: 2010/07/15
Finish: 2010/11/15
Thesis (optional):  

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