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Master/Bachelor Thesis in Autonomous Driving in collaboration with Apex AI

We offer Master/Bachelor thesis topics in the field of Autonomous Driving in collaboration with Apex.AI. Apex.AI is an autonomous vehicle company based in the Bay Area (California) that provides software solutions for personal and commercial vehicles, last-mile solutions and ride hailing services across the globe.

Topics include:
1. Object detection from 3D data: The goal of the project is to implement a system that can detect objects such as vehicles and bikes from 3D data acquired in an outdoor scenario. In particular, the developed approach should directly learn how to regress 3D bounding boxes directly from point clouds. The data used for training and testing will be taken from publicly available benchmarks as well as provided by Apex.AI. car localization
2. Develop a car/pedestrian/cyclist detection network for night-time conditions.: The goal of the project is to implement a system that can reliably detect cars, pedestrians and cyclists under low illumination conditions such as at night time. Within the scope of the project, the tasks are:
  • collect and process publicly available data to create a dataset for the task
  • implement and train a lightweight neural network that can robustly deal with strong illumination changes using the MXNet framework
  • assist the process of integration of the network on the car
night detection

The candidate student should have experience with deep learning and computer vision, and good knowledge of either C++ or Python.

Apex.AI also offers paid internships at their office in the Bay Area and external thesis projects. A complete list is available here.

Title: Master/Bachelor Thesis in Autonomous Driving in collaboration with Apex AI
Director: Federico Tombari
Type: DA/MA/BA
Status: finished
Thesis (optional):  

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