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Codingstyle for the UbiTrack? Library. Check back often for new rules. All rules are guidelines only. You are advised to always know what you're doing.

See also the PointerGuide


  • No whitespace after the end of a line
  • Like this: (Oops.. This isn't Whitesmith after all.. Emacs-Style anyone?)
class Foo
    Foo( int x )
        : m_myMember( x )
        , m_member2( 3 )

    int doIt()
  • Tabs are 4 spaces and indent with tabs only.
  • Space after opening parenthesises and before closing parenthesises (e.g. 'doEverything( universe, hammer )' or 'template< foo >')


  • Class and Namespaces: start in upper case and continue camel case (e.g. ClassName?)
  • Variables: start in lower case and continue camel case (e.g. someStrangeVariable)
  • Member Variables: are prefixed by "m_" (e.g. m_anotherStrangeVariable)
  • Object Methods: start lower case and continue camel case (e.g. veryImportantMethod() )


  • Every namespace belongs in its own subdirectory
  • Headerfiles contain as little code as possible
  • .cpp for Code and .h for Header-Files


  • Here is an emacs c-style for use with cc-mode
  • Still useful for non emacs users, since it specifies the ubitrack style in great detail

(defconst ubitrack-c-style
    (c-basic-offset                 . 4)
    (c-comment-only-line-offset . 0)
    (c-echo-syntactic-information-p . t)
    (c-toggle-auto-hungy-state      . t)
    (c-cleanup-list . (
    (c-hanging-braces-alist . ((class-open after before)
                (class-close after before)
                (defun-open after before)
                (defun-close after before)
                (inline-open after before)
                (inline-close after before)
                (block-open after)
                (block-close . c-snug-do-while)
                (statement-case-open after before)
                (substatement-open after before)
                (extern-lang-open after before)
                (extern-lang-close after before)
                (namespace-close after)
                (inexpr-class-open after before)
                (inexpr-class-close after before)))
    (c-hanging-colons-alist . ((case-label after)
                (label after)
                (access-label after)
                (member-init-intro before)
                (inher-intro before)))
    (c-offsets-alist .
             ((string                . c-lineup-dont-change)
              (c                     . c-lineup-C-comments)
              (comment-intro         . c-lineup-comment)
              (class-open            . 0)
              (class-close           . 0)
              (defun-open            . 0)
              (defun-close           . 0)
              (defun-block-intro     . +)
              (inline-open           . 0)
              (inline-close          . 0)
              (extern-lang-open      . 0)
              (extern-lang-close     . 0)
              (func-decl-cont        . 0)
              (topmost-intro         . 0)
              (topmost-intro-cont    . 0)
              (member-init-intro     . +)
              (member-init-cont      . -2) ; woher kommt das +2?
              (inher-intro           . +)
              (inher-cont            . -2)
              (block-open            . 0)
              (block-close           . 0)
              (brace-list-open       . 0)
              (brace-list-close      . 0)
              (brace-list-intro      . 0)
              (brace-list-entry      . 0)
              (brace-entry-open      . 0)
              (statement             . 0)
              (statement-cont        . 0)
              (statement-block-intro . +)
              (statement-case-intro  . +)
              (statement-case-open   . 0)
              (substatement          . +)
              (substatement-open     . 0)
              (case-label            . 0) ; +?
              (access-label          . -)
              (label                 . 0)
              (do-while-closure      . 0)
              (else-clause           . 0)
              (catch-clause          . 0)
              (comment-intro         . 0)
              (arglist-intro         . +)
              (arglist-cont          . c-lineup-arglist)
              (arglist-cont-nonempty . c-lineup-arglist)
              (arglist-close         . c-lineup-arglist)
              (stream-op             . c-lineup-streamop)
              (inclass               . +) ; here
              ;(cpp-macro             . 0)
              (cpp-macro-cont        . c-lineup-dont-change)
              (friend                . 0)
              (extern-lang-open      . 0)
              (extern-lang-close     . 0)
              (inextern-lang         . +)
              (namespace-open        . 0)
              (namespace-close       . 0)
              (innamespace           . 0)
              (template-args-cont    . (c-lineup-template-args +))
              (inexpr-statement      . +)
              (inexpr-class          . +)
  "c style for ubitrack")

  • Other useful cc-mode code snippets for use in the .emacs file
(defun my-c-mode-common-hook ()
  (c-add-style "ubitrack" ubitrack-c-style t)
  (setq tab-width 4)
  (c-toggle-auto-hungry-state t)
  (define-key c-mode-base-map "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent)
  (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" c++-mode-syntax-table)
  (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" c-mode-syntax-table)
  (setq paragraph-start
        (concat paragraph-start
                ;; include some common HTML tags

(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-common-hook)

Edit | Attach | Refresh | Diffs | More | Revision r1.11 - 22 Dec 2008 - 13:49 - PeterKeitler

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