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Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Searched: Phantom *Running[^A-Za-z]
Results from Chair web
Programming the Phantom Haptic Device Client We need a Client to let the Phantom Haptic Device interact with the Terrain3D. The Phantom is restricted to be programmed ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from Main web
FORMFIELD{"Firstname" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Lastname" default "--" alttext "--"} Amal Benzina, M.Sc. Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures Augmented ...
FORMFIELD{"Firstname" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Lastname" default "--" alttext "--"} ATTACHURL /webermax.jpg Student Fakult t f r Informatik Technische ...

Number of topics: 2
Results from Students web
Investigating Haptic Interfaces for Viewpoint Control Metaphors in Virtual Environments Thesis by: Maximilian Weber Advisor: Gudrun Klinker Supervision by: Marcus ...

Number of topics: 1
Lehrstuhl für Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality    rss.gif