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AR Lab TOC Demo Notebooks There are two Demo Notebooks available for general lab and demo purposes Mr Pink Mr Blue Steps to make a raw backup: Attach Mr Pink or Mr ...
BasicServicePushConsumer A BasicServicePushConsumer needs to implement the Service Interface string getStatus(); SvcStartup Interface void startService(in ActiveServiceDescription ...
BasicServicePushSupplierConsumer A BasicServicePushSupplierConsumer needs to implement the Service Interface string getStatus(); SvcStartup Interface void startService ...
Dive Just Ideas TOC Starten von Services per DIVE Idee: DIVE soll über Buttons zum Starten von Services verfügen. Die zur Verfügung stehenden Services lassen sich ...
Dive Planed Extentions Scenarios Use Cases Change Servicedescription Participating actors: User, Service-Manager Entry condition: Click on an Attribute in the Servicedialog ...
DWARF Documentation "The only thing worse than no documentation is incorrect documentation." TOC Introduction, Tutorials, White Papers There is a short introduction ...
The DWARF FAQ The following two-step algorithm probably solves your problem: 1 Search the Dwarf Mailing List Archives 1 If you still can't solve your problem, send ...
DwarfIntegrationTutorial TOC Placing a Service See Chair.DwarfCVSStructureTutorial Get it Running Distribute Libs, Jars To all clients ( ssh-all-clients ) and to ...
Up to Chair.DwarfMiddlewareTutorial, forward to DwarfMiddlewareTutorialLesson2 STARTINCLUDE Lesson 1: Watch the middleware do nothing In this lesson, you will start ...
Up to Chair.DwarfMiddlewareTutorial, forward to DwarfMiddlewareTutorialLesson3, back to Chair.DwarfMiddlewareTutorialLesson1 STARTINCLUDE Lesson 2: Set up two communicating ...
Up to Chair.DwarfMiddlewareTutorial, forward to DwarfMiddlewareTutorialLesson4, back to Chair.DwarfMiddlewareTutorialLesson2 STARTINCLUDE Lesson 3: Starting services ...
Up to Chair.DwarfMiddlewareTutorial, forward to DwarfMiddlewareTutorialLesson5, back to Chair.DwarfMiddlewareTutorialLesson3 STARTINCLUDE Lesson 4: Attributes for ...
Up to Chair.DwarfMiddlewareTutorial, forward to DwarfMiddlewareTutorialLesson6, back to Chair.DwarfMiddlewareTutorialLesson4 STARTINCLUDE Lesson 5: Multiple services ...
Up to Chair.DwarfMiddlewareTutorial, forward to DwarfMiddlewareTutorialLesson9, back to Chair.DwarfMiddlewareTutorialLesson7 STARTINCLUDE Lesson 8: Changing Attributes ...
This tutorial is intended to give a general, but brief overview about the concept of the DWARF concept. Feel free to extend it, when you think important imformation ...
Migration to Ubitrack TOC This page gives detailed information about the changes in the interfaces and data structures of the new Ubitrack tracking system. This page ...
Planned changes to the middleware regarding Attributes These are some ideas about extensions to the middleware regarding attributes. I hope to implement some parts ...
The Middleware Wish List This page is a collection of wishes and bug reports for the DWARF Middleware. Feel free to add your own. Add your name to a feature request ...
ARTTracker This service provides tracking data from the ART DTrack system to DWARF. DTrack provides two distinct kinds of tracking output: 6DOF data of precalibrated ...
DWARF Interactive Visualization Environment Bug Reports ServiceDIVE unexpectedly quits when a ServiceDescription gets removed from a ServiceManager due to runtime ...
Service DataRecorder TOC Capabilities Sources src/services/DataRecorder Required Libraries stubs.jar DWARFstubs.jar Util.jar Required Hardware None. Installation ...
Service Description TOC What is a service description? (write some text here) Static Service Description On startup the ServiceManager parses the YOUR INSTALL DIR ...
Service Layout2D TOC Capabilities This service allows: X, Y placement and scaling of objects Placing objects in a X, Y martix with specified alignment Accepts bool ...
ServiceManager What is the ServiceManager? Where is my ServiceManager? How do i connect to the ServiceManager? Which Platforms are supported for the ServiceManager ...
Service PluginService TOC Capabilities Sources src/services/PluginService Required Libraries stubs.jar DWARFstubs.jar Util.jar Required Hardware None. Installation ...
PoseDataLogger This service writes Chair.PoseData events which are sent out by other services into a file. The services whose events have to be logged are specified ...
Pose Recorder This service receives Chair.PoseData from another service and prints the current Pose on request (pressing a button) to the command line. It may be ...
Session Interface newSession(DWARF::ActiveServiceDescription ptr serviceDesc, const char name, const char protocol, const char partner, DWARF::Attributes ptr attrs ...
Interface SvcSession If you want to know about interconnections to your communication partners, you must use the SvcSession Object newSession(in ActiveServiceDescription ...
Interface SvcStartup In order to get a Service acting in correspondence to a ServiceDescription, you will have to implement the SvcStartup interface. It is defined ...

Number of topics: 30
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