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Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Results from Chair web
Terminkalender für Augmented Reality-bezogene Aktivitäten Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph. D. Terminkalender (vorwärts): Vergangene Termine Datum Interne Termine (Demos ...
Developing Killer Apps for Industrial Augmented Reality TOC Related Publications This page provides some complimentary information to the IEEE CG A Journal article ...
Master Theses and Diplomarbeiten Fachgebiet Augmented Reality (FAR) 2009 2008 Tayfur Coskun: Visualization of Activity Parameters with an Avatar Suitable for Elderly ...
The News at the Chair for Computer Aided Procedures Augmented Reality June 09, 2006 Computer Vision Workshop following talks will be presented: Dipl. Inf. Andreas ...
Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) Prof. Dr. Nassir Navab Research Objectives: The research objective of CAMP is to study and model medical procedures and introduce ...
Internship in Princeton, USA An internship in a top research laboratory in the United States could play an important role in your education and further engineering ...
Student Projects Note : All topics listed below are proposals from our side. They may be altered to some extent to fit students' interests. Just contact us. If you ...
NOP PhD Seminar: Image-guided Treatments by Nassir Navab Michael Roth Gudrun Klinker This is a joint Ph.D. seminar with the Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures ...
Was Wo Inv Nr Beschreibung gekauft aus Status Kommt wohin Server janus (atbruegge40) serverraum defekt TUMMIC GO Martin Horn raid für janus serverraum M lehrstuhl ...

Number of topics: 9
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