Administrative InfoLecture by Prof. Nassir NavabExercises by Christian Schulte zu Berge, Severine Habert,Roodaki Hessam, Christian Rupprecht
Type: Lecture Module IN2018?
NOTE: Only exercise solutions of the theoretic parts will be posted on the web-site.
Time, Location & Requirements
Location: Course information and certificate requirements:
Site Content
Announcements26.08.2015: We finished the exam correction, the official exam review will be on Thursday, 10.09.2015 in Updated exam details, added mock exam. 10.07.2015: Project presentation details and schedule published on web site. 17.06.2015: Exam details postet on web site. In case of conflicts, please contact us. 12.06.2015: Please make sure to register your project for the project phase (see below) 02.06.2015: We updated both exercise sheet 7 and the provided PoseEstimation C++ files for easier camera calibration 07.05.2015: We created a Moodle Forum to discuss questions regarding the exercises: 05.05.2015: Updated/corrected Sheet5. 28.04.2015: Added explanation to sampleSubPix() function. 27.04.2015: Added literature collection. 20.04.2015: Uploaded exercise sheets 1 and 2. 15.04.2015: Updated lecture schedule. 13.04.2015: Fixed typo on web site: Tuesday lectures are from 14:00 - 16:00!
We created a Moodle Forum to discuss questions regarding the exercises:
All students have to be present during the project presentations on Monday, 13.07.2015. Since the time frame is tight, we start at 2pm sharp. Presentations are 6 minutes + 2 minutes discussion + 2 minutes setup time. Please make sure that your notebook works with the projector in the class room. Please obeserve the following presentation schedule and be prepared when it is your slot.
We finished the exam correction and put the grades into TUMOnline. The official exam review will be on Thursday, 10.09.2015 in our seminar room (13.03.010).
We will upload video recordings of the lecture as well as the slides.
Please note: Preparing these files takes time, so a 1-2 days delay is to be expected.
TeachingForm | |
Title: | Augmented Reality - Medical Augmented Reality |
Professor: | Prof. Nassir Navab |
Tutors: | Christian Schulte zu Berge, Severine Habert, Roodaki Hessam, Christian Ruppercht |
Type: | Lecture |
Information: | 2+3 SWS, 6 ECTS Credits - IN2018 |
Term: | 2015SoSe |
Abstract: |