
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Augmented Reality - Medical Augmented Reality - Summer Term 2015

Administrative Info

Lecture by Prof. Nassir Navab
Exercises by Christian Schulte zu Berge, Severine Habert,Roodaki Hessam, Christian Rupprecht

Type: Lecture Module IN2018?
Programs: Informatics (Bachelor, Master)
Biomedical Computing (Master)
Computational Science and Engineering (Master)
Wirtschaftsinformatik (Bachelor, Master)
SWS: 2+2
ECTS: 6 Credits
Course Language: English
Contact: Christian Schulte zu Berge

NOTE: Only exercise solutions of the theoretic parts will be posted on the web-site.

Time, Location & Requirements

Lectures & Exercises:
Mondays, 14:00 - 16:00, Interimshörsaal 1, 5620.01.101
Tuesdays, 14:00 - 16:00, FMI Hörsaal 2, 5604.EG.011

Course information and certificate requirements:

  • The classes as well as the exercises will be held in English.
  • Exercises will consist of practical and theoretical tasks. Practical exercises will be done in C++ with OpenCV and OpenGL.
  • During the Exercises, you will implement your own little AR project for which you can get bonus points for the exam.
  • The lecture consists of one final exam, which will be hand written and aclosed-book exam (no notes allowed).

Site Content


26.08.2015: We finished the exam correction, the official exam review will be on Thursday, 10.09.2015 in 03.13.010.
20.07.2015: Updated exam details, added mock exam.
10.07.2015: Project presentation details and schedule published on web site.
17.06.2015: Exam details postet on web site. In case of conflicts, please contact us.
12.06.2015: Please make sure to register your project for the project phase (see below)
02.06.2015: We updated both exercise sheet 7 and the provided PoseEstimation C++ files for easier camera calibration
07.05.2015: We created a Moodle Forum to discuss questions regarding the exercises: https://www.moodle.tum.de/mod/forum/view.php?id=312782
05.05.2015: Updated/corrected Sheet5.
28.04.2015: Added explanation to sampleSubPix() function.
27.04.2015: Added literature collection.
20.04.2015: Uploaded exercise sheets 1 and 2.
15.04.2015: Updated lecture schedule.
13.04.2015: Fixed typo on web site: Tuesday lectures are from 14:00 - 16:00!


We created a Moodle Forum to discuss questions regarding the exercises: https://www.moodle.tum.de/mod/forum/view.php?id=312782

Project Phase

Please make sure to register your project for the project phase by sending an e-mail to Christian Schulte zu Berge by Monday, June 22nd. For more information, please see the slides from Exercise 8 and the slides from Exercise 10.

All students have to be present during the project presentations on Monday, 13.07.2015. Since the time frame is tight, we start at 2pm sharp. Presentations are 6 minutes + 2 minutes discussion + 2 minutes setup time. Please make sure that your notebook works with the projector in the class room. Please obeserve the following presentation schedule and be prepared when it is your slot.

Number Time Students Title
1 14:00 Khakzarm Davoudi, Saleh AR Operating Room Setup
2 14:10 Son Wang, Heng Chen HMD Parallax Simulation
3 14:20 Matthes, Hermwille, Trendel AR Jenga
4 14:30 Elflein, Helm Virtual Pong
5 14:40 Pakhomov, Makhani AR Pong
6 14:50 Raoofy, Dhamo Tattoo Simulator
7 15:00 Schagerl, Dechamps, Liedtke AR Game
8 15:10 Haarbach, Häfner, Lentes, Matl There is no Place like Home
9 15:20 Lösch, Weidner Cooktainment


The written exam will be held on Tuesday, 28.07.2015, 11:30 to 13:00 in 5101.EG.501 (Rudolf-Mößbauer-Hörsaal). You are allowed to bring a (non-programmable) scientific calculator.
There will be no retake exam!

Mock exam

We finished the exam correction and put the grades into TUMOnline. The official exam review will be on Thursday, 10.09.2015 in our seminar room (13.03.010).

Preliminary Course Schedule

We will upload video recordings of the lecture as well as the slides.
Please note: Preparing these files takes time, so a 1-2 days delay is to be expected.

Date Type Topic Conducted by Additional material
13.04.2015 Lecture Organizational Issues, Introduction to Medical AR Prof. Nassir Navab
14.04.2015 Lecture Introduction to Medical AR
Transformations & Coordinate Systems
Prof. Nassir Navab
20.04.2015 Lecture Transformations & Coordinate Systems
Parameter Estimation
Prof. Nassir Navab
21.04.2015 Exercise Practical: PC setup for programming exercises Christian Schulte zu Berge
27.04.2015 Exercise Practical: Marker detection #1
Theoretical: Transformations
Christian Rupprecht
28.04.2015 Lecture Parameter Estimation
Camera Models
Prof. Nassir Navab
04.05.2015 Exercise Theoretical: Parameter Estimation & Camera Models Christian Schulte zu Berge
05.05.2015 Exercise Practical: Marker detection #2 Christian Rupprecht
11.05.2015 Lecture Head-mounted Displays Prof. Gudrun Klinker
12.05.2015 Lecture Invited Talk: HMD Calibration Yuta Itoh
18.05.2015 Lecture Camera Models Prof. Nassir Navab
19.05.2015 Lecture Error Propagation Prof. Nassir Navab
01.06.2015 Lecture Error Propagation
State of the Art in Medical AR
Prof. Nassir Navab
02.06.2015 Exercise Introduction to OpenGL Christian Schulte zu Berge
08.06.2015 Exercise Practical: OpenGL Rendering #1 Christian Schulte zu Berge
09.06.2015 Exercise Theoretical: Error Propagation Hessam Roodaki
15.06.2015 Lecture State of the Art in Medical AR
Prof. Nassir Navab
16.06.2015 Lecture Perceptual Visualization Prof. Nassir Navab
22.06.2015 Exercise Meshes Christian Rupprecht
23.06.2015 Exercise Perception Christian Rupprecht
29.06.2015 Lecture Perceptual Visualization Prof. Nassir Navab
30.06.2015 Exercise Open class: Tutors will answer technical questions regarding project work.  
06.07.2015 - no class    
07.07.2015 Exercise Open class: Tutors will answer technical questions regarding project work.    
2pm sharp!
Exercise Project Work Presentations    
14.07.2015 - Backup slot for project presentations    


General Literature on Lecture Content

  • R.Hartley and A.Zisserman: Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision; Cambridge University Press, 2004. Online version
  • D.Ballard and C.Brown: Computer Vision. Online version
  • R.Tsai: A Versatile Camera Calibration Technique for High Accuracy 3D Machine Vision. Download from CALTECH.
  • J.Rolland, L.Davis, Y. Baillot: A Survey of Tracking Technology for Virtual Environments; in Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented, 2001. Download from UPenn.
  • D.Allen, G.Bishop, G.Welch: Tracking - Beyond 15 Minutes of Thought; Course 11 at Siggraph 2001. Download from UNC.
  • J.Rolland, H. Fuchs: Optical versus See-Through Head-Mounted Displays; in Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented, 2001. Download from citeseer.
  • M.Tuceryan, Y.Genc, N.Navab: Single Point Active Alignment Method (SPAAM) for Optical See-Through HMD Calibration; in Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 11(3), 2002. Download from M. Tuceryan's home page.
  • P.Milgram, Colquhoun: A Taxonomy of Real and Virtual World Display Integration; in Proc. International Symposium of Mixed Reality (ISMR 1999). Download from ebookbrowse.
  • M.Weiser: The Computer for the Twenty-First Century; Scientific American, 1991. Download from ubiq.com.
  • R. Szeliski: Computer Vision - Algorithms and Applications, Springer Verlag, 2011. Online Version

General C++



Title: Augmented Reality - Medical Augmented Reality
Professor: Prof. Nassir Navab
Tutors: Christian Schulte zu Berge, Severine Habert, Roodaki Hessam, Christian Ruppercht
Type: Lecture
Information: 2+3 SWS, 6 ECTS Credits - IN2018
Term: 2015SoSe

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