
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Hauptseminar/Master Seminar: Lost in Translation: The Challenges of Research Transfer into Clinical Practice


by Prof. Nassir Navab
Team: Beatrice Demiray, Julia Rackerseder
Type: Advanced Seminar Course Module IN0014, Master Seminar Module IN2107
SWS: 2
ECTS: 5 Credits
Location: 03.13.010
Time: TBD See schedule below
Course Language: English


  • Presentation Workshop on 06.06. (see schedule!)
  • 14.01.2019: Preliminary Meeting scheduled: Monday, 04/Feb/2019 17:00 in 03.13.010.
  • 14.01.2019: Course website created.

Preliminary Meeting

Date and Time: Monday, 04.02.2019 17:00 Room: 03.13.010
Slides: pdf


Recently growing fields of research like robotics, Deep Learning and novel medical imaging technologies are developing promising concepts and potential products for healthcare and life sciences. State-of-the-art algorithms and discoveries from robust research could significantly improve safety, accuracy, efficiency and economic aspects of modern healthcare. However, the translation of research results into clinical practice remains a great challenge. Carefully evaluated findings fails to achieve widespread use for patients, medical staff and healthcare providers. Translation, the adaption and dissemination of knowledge from fundamental research into clinical products and interventional methods, first into clinical research and finally into healthcare practice (to the 'bedside'), has to overcome many structural, economic, and other boundaries. In this seminar, the students will work in small teams to identify potential barriers for research translation and develop concepts to overcome such barriers on recent publications and real clinical examples. Relevant aspects of regulatory affairs (Europe and USA), health care systems and innovation-driven research will be conveyed.


Interested students should attend the preliminary meeting. Registration takes places via the TUM Matching Platform. The maximum number of participants is 15. Previous knowledge of the courses CAMP I and/or CAMP II is beneficial, but not mandatory.


Date Time Place Type Materials
Thu, 09.05.2019 16:00 - 18:30 03.13.010 Introduction / Workshop Slides
Thu, 23.05.2019 16:00 - 18:30 03.13.010 Regulatory Workshop Slides
Thu, 06.06.2019 16:30 - 19:00 03.13.010 Presentation Workshop Slides
Thu, 04.07.2019 16:00 - 18:30 03.13.010 Team Presentations A & C  
Thu, 11.07.2019 16:00 - 18:30 03.13.010 Team Presentations B & D  
Thu, 18.07.2019 16:00 - 18:30 03.13.010 Team Presentations Retrospective  


Team Topic Members
A AI for Radiology Diana, Michelle, Borja, Fabian W.
B Paperless Medicine Fernando, Theofilos, Fabian G.
C Health Apps Maria, Patricia, Ryana
D Robotic Surgery Michael, Leon, Krassimir, Miguel

Title: Lost in Translation: The Challenges of Research Transfer into Clinical Practice
Professor: Prof. Nassir Navab
Tutors: Beatrice Demiray, Julia Rackerseder
Type: Hauptseminar
Information: 2 SWS; 5 ECTS Credits (IN0014, IN2107)
Term: 2019SoSe

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