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Lab Course: Image Reconstruction and Visualization using C++ - IN0012, IN2106

Administrative Info

Course: PD Dr. Tobias Lasser
Tutors: Anca Stefanoiu, Salvatore Virga, Jakob Weiss

Contact: Email

Bachelor and Master lab course IN0012, IN2106: 6 SWS, 10 ECTS

The course will be conducted in English.

Site Content


In this lab course on "Image Reconstruction and Visualization using C++" the focus is on learning and applying the programming language C++, its tools and libraries, to real world problems in tomographic imaging and visualization. Based on our existing C++ frameworks, you will work on exciting problems using real experimental data, in close contact with actual research projects.

This course will be held in two parts. The first part will be spent on learning the programming language C++, its tools and libraries, along with numerous practical exercises and homework each week. The second part will be spent on project work in teams of two. Here you will apply the techniques from the first part towards real world imaging problems, with project topics ranging from X-ray dark-field tomographic imaging and lightfield tomographic imaging to real-time 3D visualization, applied on real experimental data. In a final session, each project team will give a live demo of their project implementation, with a final competition on the best outcome.


Registration is closed, the course is currently full.

Modus operandi

Participants will be working in teams of three students.

First part: learning C++

  • weekly sessions
  • weekly homework

Second part: project work (tomographic imaging, visualization)

  • bi-weekly sessions
  • project work
  • final event: live demo of projects

The grade will be set according to four parts: your project (from the second part), your homework (from the first part), a short oral examination at the end, and your active participation during the term.


Date Time Room Topic Material Homework
Tue, Oct. 17, 2017 16:00 MI 03.13.010 Part 1: Development Tools PDF 01_devtools.pdf PDF 01_assignment.pdf ZIP 01_solution.zip
Tue, Oct. 24, 2017 16:00 MI 03.13.010 Part 1: Basics of C++ PDF 02_basics.pdf PDF 02_assignment.pdf ZIP 02_solution.zip
Tue, Oct. 31, 2017     no session, public holiday    
Tue, Nov. 7, 2017 16:15 MI 03.13.010 Part 1: C++ memory management PDF 03_memory.pdf PDF 03_assignment.pdf ZIP 03_solution.zip
Tue, Nov. 14, 2017 16:00 MI 03.13.010 Part 1: C++ standard libraries PDF 04_stl.pdf PDF 04_assignment.pdf ZIP 04_assignment.zip ZIP 04_solution.zip
Tue, Nov. 21, 2017 16:00 MI 03.13.010 Part 1: Third party libraries (Eigen, Qt) PDF 05_eigen_qt.pdf PDF 05_assignment.pdf
Tue, Nov. 28, 2017 16:00 MI 03.13.010 Q&A hour    
Tue, Dec. 5, 2017 16:00 MI 03.13.010 Part 2: tomography PDF 06_tomography.pdf PDF 06_assignment.pdf, ZIP 06_phantoms.zip
Tue, Dec. 12, 2017 16:00 MI 03.13.010 Part 2: visualization PDF 07_visualization.pdf PDF 07_assignment.pdf
Tue, Dec. 19, 2017 16:00 MI 03.13.010 Part 2: project kick-offs PDFproject dark-field, PDFproject light-field, PDFproject visualization PDF 08_assignment_vis.pdf
PDF 08_assignment_LF.pdf, ZIP LFReconModels.zip
PDF 08_assignment_DF.pdf, ZIP DarkField.zip
Dec. 25, 2017 - Jan. 5, 2018     holidays    
Tue, Jan. 9, 2018 16:00 MI 03.13.010 Q&A hour    
Tue, Jan. 16, 2018 16:00 MI 03.13.010 Part 2: project kick-offs (final part) PDFproject dark-field, PDFproject vis, PDFproject light-field PDF 09_assignment_DF.pdf, ZIP dirs.zip
PDF 09_assignment_vis.pdf
PDF 09_assignment_LF.pdf
Tue, Jan. 23, 2018 16:00 MI 03.13.010 Q&A hour    
Tue, Jan. 30, 2018 16:00 MI 03.13.010 Q&A hour    
Tue, Feb. 6, 2018 16:00 MI 03.13.010 Part 2: Final event, live demos    



  • Bjarne Stroustrup: The C++ Programming Language (4th edition or newer), Addison Wesley
  • Bjarne Stroustrup: Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (2nd edition or newer), Addison Wesley

  • Scott Meyers: Effective C++ (3rd edition or newer), Addison Wesley
  • Scott Meyers: Effective Modern C++, O'Reilly

Title: Image Reconstruction and Visualization using C++
Professor: PD Dr. Tobias Lasser
Tutors: Anca Stefanoiu, Salvatore Virga, Jakob Weiss
Type: Praktikum
Information: 6 SWS, 10 ECTS Credits (IN0012, IN2106)
Term: 2017WiSe
Abstract: In this lab course on "Image Reconstruction and Visualization using C++" the focus is on learning and applying the programming language C++, its tools and libraries, to real world problems in tomographic imaging and visualization. Based on our existing C++ frameworks, you will work on exciting problems using real experimental data, in close contact with actual research projects. This course will be held in two parts. The first part will be spent on learning the programming language C++, its tools and libraries, along with numerous practical exercises and homework each week. The second part will be spent on project work in teams of two. Here you will apply the techniques from the first part towards real world imaging problems, with project topics ranging from X-ray dark-field tomographic imaging and lightfield tomographic imaging to real-time 3D visualization, applied on real experimental data. In a final session, each project team will give a live demo of their project implementation, with a final competition on the best outcome.

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