
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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As every system becomes more and more complex, the according maintenance becomes more and more difficult. This diploma thesis describes a maintenance assistant system which simplifies the maintenance action and makes it more fail-safe. In particular, a workflow editor and the runtime engine of the maintenance assistant system are developed. This system divides any information physically into the socalled where-to-act and the what-to-do display. The where-to-act display provides simple directional information directly on the desired object in the environment and is presented by a laser projection. The additional what-to-do display tells the user the complex instruction. In the end the system is tested with an application analysis.

1H1C6459.jpg handgriff.png

* Thesis.pdf
* Slides.pdf
* Video.mov:

Title: Maintenance Support using Hybrid Displays
Abstract: As every system becomes more and more complex, the according maintenance becomes more and more difficult. This diploma thesis describes a maintenance assistant system which simplifies the maintenance action and makes it more fail-safe. In particular, a workflow editor and the runtime engine of the maintenance assistant system are developed. This system divides any information physically into the socalled where-to-act and the what-to-do display. The where-to-act display provides simple directional information directly on the desired object in the environment and is presented by a laser projection. The additional what-to-do display tells the user the complex instruction. In the end, the system is tested with an application analysis.
Student: AndreasDemmel
Director: GudrunKlinker
Supervisor: BjoernSchwerdtfeger
Type: Diploma Thesis
Status: finished
Start: 2007/10/15
Finish: 2007/04/15

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