The project will be split into following packages: acquisition, registration, stitching and post-processing and presentation. These work-packages will have some overlap as to offer the student time to asses the feasibility of each task, even before she/he focuses completely on it.
Author | Title | Year | Journal/Proceedings | Reftype | DOI/URL |
Carcagni, P., Della Patria, A., Fontana, R., Greco, M., Mastroianni, M., Materazzi, M., Pampaloni, E. & Pezzati, L. | Multispectral imaging of paintings by optical scanning | 2007 | Optics and Lasers in Engineering Vol. 45(3), pp. 360–367 |
article | URL |
Elias, M., Mas, N. & Cotte, P. | Review of several optical non-destructive analyses of an easel painting. Complementarity and crosschecking of the results | 2011 | Journal of Cultural Heritage | article | URL |
Students.ProjectForm | |
Title: | Mosaicing Multi-spectral Images of Heritage Paintings |
Abstract: | In this work we propose using multispectral imaging as an aid to the restoration process of heritage paintings and also to help peel back centuries of discoloration and layered impurities. To ensure that small enough details can be recovered, mosaicing will be employed to reconstruct a very high resolution image of the artworks in question. |
Student: | Anne-Claire Morvan |
Director: | Professor Nassir Navab |
Supervisor: | Alexandru Duliu |
Type: | IDP/Klinisches Anwendungsprojekt |
Area: | Computer Vision |
Status: | finished |
Start: | |
Finish: | |
Thesis (optional): | |
Picture: |