In medical collaboration with: Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Ring, Klinik und Poliklinik für Dermatologie und Allergologie, Technische Universität München Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Hein, Klinik und Poliklinik für Dermatologie und Allergologie, Technische Universität München
Scientific Director: Nassir Navab
Contact Person(s): Alexandru Duliu
Keywords: Reconstruction, Medical Imaging, Molecular Imaging, Sensing, 3D Information Presentation, 3D Interaction
Multispectral imaging is an emerging modality for use in dermatological diagnosis which has the potential to offer quantitative measurements of the skin tissue, thus providing a more accurate diagnosis tool for a wide range of afflictions. Multispectral images are sequences of images taken at different wavelengths and due to their improved spectral discrimination, can offer insight into the distribution of collagen, melanin, and hemoglobin within skin lesions.
The main motivation of this project is to provide dermatologists with a multispectral imaging system that allows quantification of skin lesions as well as tracking of disease progression in an automated fashion. To this end, both multispectral images are being acquired provide quantitative metrics of the skin, as well the size and geometry of the lesions.
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Please contact Alexandru Duliu for available student projects within this research project.