PetSpectFusion is an application for the automatic registration of cardiac PET and SPECT images written in C++ based upon the ITK Framework.
PetSpectFusion has a command line interface, which can be used as a scriptable fully automatic registration tool, or as GUI, allowing for interactive visualization of automatic or manual registration. The GUI features several options for visualization including changable color lookup tables, adjustable window levels, normal image fusion using alpha blending as well as a checkerboard composite display. It is also cross platform, with binaries provided for windows and OS X hosts, although it should compile on any host where CMake is available.
This application was developed within the scope of an IDP project (see documentation
Version 1.3.1 (21 December 2009)
- New Feature: Set windowing parameters automatically based upon fixed image region
- New Feature: Volume of Interest registration mode
Version 1.3.0 (23 November 2009)
- Bug fix: PetSpectFusion doesn't compile on *nix platforums
- Bug fix: Angle Measurements wrong
- Bug fix: Automatic registration close behavior
- Bug fix: Alpha Blended images are too dark
- Bug fix: Registration Results vary based upon mode or time
- Bug fix: Unit tests linking problem under windows
- New Feature: Consistent Initialization
- New Feature: Add support for unit testing
- New Feature: Consistent Log Messages
- New Feature: CLUT modification dialog
- New Feature: CLUT automatic interval selection by windowing
- New Feature: Display Slice Number
- New Feature: Checkerboard compostie Image display
- New Feature: Display alpha blending percent in the GUI
- Support upate: Update default registration parameters
Main window on OS X showing two images using the default fused diplay
Checkerboard composite image
Registration options window
View options window
Windows GUI
Additionally to the standalone application a plugin has been created for the Osirix dicom viewer offering the same registration feaures as the standalone application, but using Osirix's advanced image rendering capabilities. Osirix is the defacto dicom viewer for Mac OS X. The advantages offered by osirix are numerous, including many advanced rendering techniques, such as 3D Volume rendering or MIP rendering of the images, as well as fully hardware accelerated opengl image rendering.
Here is screenshot of Osirix after loading a fixed and moving image from the same study
This screenshot shows the fixed image viewer after loading the
PetSpectFusion plugin
This screenshot shows the MIP renderer of the blended images after successifully being registered