
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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2nd Joint Advanced Student School (JASS 2004)

Course 3 - Ubiquitous Tracking for Augmented Reality

Prof. Dr. V.N. Vasiliev, Prof. Dr. Shalyto , Technical University St. Petersburg
Prof. G. Klinker, Ph.D. , Dipl.-Inf. Martin Wagner , Technische Universität München

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Application is closed.

General Information

The State University St. Petersburg and the Technische Universität München organize the second Joint Advanced Student School (JASS 2004) in St. Petersburg from March 28th through April 7th. It is financed by the Bavarian Ministry of Economics, by Siemens, and by Infineon. The School addresses highly motivated and interested students. The courses demand active preparation and contribution of the participants. The courses are held in English language. Within JASS, a course on “International Management and Leadership“ will be offered by the sponsoring companies and industrial organizations. Expenses for travel, board and lodging are covered by the School. Find further information here.

The selection of applicants is performed on the basis of their qualifications. It is made by the course lecturers.

This course's topic

Augmented Reality (AR) applications are highly dependent upon accurate and precise tracking data. Since current tracking technologies do not always provide such information everywhere in real-time application developers must combine several trackers to minimize negative properties of one tracker by another. The result are sensor networks. They can be used to inform applications about the current position and orientation of objects they are concerned about. Furthermore, such pose data can be evaluated with respect to several criteria of quality.

Currently most AR applications use their own customized solution to this problem. Typically, these solutions are hardly reusable in other systems. This inhibits the development of large-scale sensor networks because there are no standard interfaces between these technologies. In this course, we will look at the necessities to form ubiquitous tracking environments consisting of several sensor networks.

Course organization

The course will be held as seminar, we expect every participant to give a presentation of approximately 60 minutes. An active participiation in discussions related to the course's topic will be the main part of the course's learning experience. We expect papers of approx. 10 pages from each participant and publish them as a Technical Report.

Individual Topics

A detailed descriptions of all topics and a list of relevant papers can be found here.

An old list for the same course with 12 participants is stored here.

Nr Name Topic More Info up
  A.A. Shalyto Foundation of Open project Documentation Presentation, Paper
1 Georgy Korneev Finite State Automata Oriented Development of Algorithm Visualizers Presentation
2 Maxim Mazin Developmen of Tools for Object-oriented Programs with Explicit State Emphasis Engineering Presentation
3 Andrew Breslav Object Models Building by Textual Descriptions Presentation
4 Boris Yartsev Review of programming projects for Open Project Documentation at the IFMO Presentation
5 Vera Dron Methods of Teaching Programming at High Schools and Universities Presentation
6 Kim Bondarenko Crystal Mobile: multimedia framework for mobile platforms Presentation
7 Lev Naumov Cellular Automata Modeling Environment and Library Presentation
8 Svetlana Kolesnikova Computer signal transmission in optical coherence tomography on the basis of Wigner transformation Presentation
Nr Name Topic More Info
1 Markus Geipel Augmented Reality: Overview and Current Systems Info, Presentation
2 Simon Bichler Ubiquitous and Context Aware Computing: Overview and Systems Info, Presentation
3 Christoph Krautz Overview and Mathematics of Tracking Info, Presentation
4 Björn Griesbach Sensor Fusion Systems: Overview and Mathematics Info, Presentation
5 Christian Wachinger
Benjamin Fingerle
The Mathematics of (Auto-)Calibrating AR Systems Info, Presentation
6 Christian Wachinger
Benjamin Fingerle
Foundations of Ubiquitous Tracking Info, Presentation

Further Information

Useful Links


-- MartinWagner - 13 Apr 2004

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