In medical collaboration with: PD Dr. Andreas Buck, Oberarzt, Nuklearmedicine, Klinikum rechts der Isar, TUM, Munich, Germany
Scientific Director: Nassir Navab
Contact Person(s): Nassir Navab
In industrial collaboration with: Dr. Farhad Daghighian, President, IntraMedical Imaging LLC, Los Angeles, CA, USA Thomas Wendler, CTO, SurgicEye GmbH, Munich, Germany
Keywords: Molecular Imaging, Computer-Aided Surgery, Medical Augmented Reality
Intra-operative localization of non-superficial cancerous lesions in non-hollow organs like liver, kidney, etc is currently facilitated by intra-operative ultrasound (IOUS) and palpation. This yields a high rate of false positives due to benign abnormal regions and thus unnecessary resections with increased complications and morbidity. In this project we integrate functional nuclear information from gamma probes with IOUS, to provide a synchronized, real-time visualization that facilitates the detection of active tumors and metastases intra-operatively. The bet of this project is that the inclusion of an advanced, augmented visualization provides more reliability and confidence on classifying lesions prior to the resection.
2009 |
J. Traub, K. Herrmann, T. Lasser, N. Navab, S. I. Ziegler, A. K. Buck, T. Wendler
Freehand SPECT/Ultrasound Fusion for Hybrid Image-guided Resection
Proceedings of RSNA 2009, Chicago, USA, December 2009
2008 |
T. Wendler, T. Lasser, A. K. Buck, C. Özgür, M. Schwaiger, S. I. Ziegler, N. Navab
First in Vivo Use of a Fused Gamma Ultrasound System
Proceedings of RSNA 2008, Chicago, USA, December 2008
T. Wendler, J. Traub, T. Lasser, M. Feuerstein, J. Vogel, S. I. Ziegler, N. Navab
Combined ultrasound and gamma probe imaging for examination of thyroid nodules
Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM 2008), New Orleans, USA, June 2008
2007 |
T. Wendler, M. Feuerstein, J. Traub, T. Lasser, J. Vogel, F. Daghighian, S. I. Ziegler, N. Navab
Real-time fusion of ultrasound and gamma probe for navigated localization of liver metastases
Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2007), Brisbane, Australia, October 29 - November 2007, LNCS 4792 (2), pp. 909-917
Contact Person(s)
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