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F. Echtler, G. Klinker
A Multitouch Software Architecture Proc. of the 5th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Using Bridges (NordiCHI? 08), Lund, Schweden, pp. 463-466. (bib) |
In recent years, a large amount of software for multitouch interfaces with various degrees of similarity has been written. In order to improve interoperability, we aim to identify the common traits of these systems and present a layered software architecture which abstracts these similarities by defining common interfaces between successive layers. This provides developers with a unified view of the various types of multitouch hardware. Moreover, the layered architecture allows easy integration of existing software, as several alternative implementations for each layer can co-exist. Finally, we present our implementation of this architecture, consisting of hardware abstraction, calibration, event interpretation and widget layers. | ||
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