
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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A. Dippon
Development of Multitouch-Enabled Games
SEP Thesis 2010. (bib)

The first intention of this project was the development of a complex program for a multitouch-table, using the libTISCH library, which provides the interaction and interface design. Thus the libTISCH library was tested excessively and its quality improved during the development of this program. In order to choose a complex program, fulfilling the required extensive use of widgets and different interaction styles, we decided in favour of a strategy game. Instead of just adapting a computer strategy game, we decided to port an intricate tabletop game, because our second intention was to lower the required knowledge of complicated game rules in order to make difficult tabletop games more open to the public.
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