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P. Maier, G. Klinker
Augmented Chemical Reactions: An Augmented Reality Tool to support Chemistry Teaching (Demo) 2nd Experiment@ International Conference - exp.at'13, Coimbra, Portugal, Sep 2013, pp. 164-165. (bib) |
This demonstration shows an Augmented Reality tool to support teaching chemistry. The understanding of spacial relations in and between molecules is an essential part that has to be understood by students to learn chemistry As nowadays the techniques to show and simulate molecular behaviors get faster and better, 3D applications to show the molecules become more and more popular also in schools. Augmented Chemical Reactions is an application that shows the 3D spatial structure of molecules as well as the dynamics of the atoms in and between molecules. This application does not use the commonly used 3D user interface of mice and keyboards to move and rotate the virtual objects but it makes use of an intuitive 3D user interface. This 3D User interface is an direct manipulation user interface using the augmented reality technique. With this user interface it enables the users to better understand the spacial structure of the shown geometries. | ||
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