Lab Course / Praktikum: Project Management and Software Development for Medical Applications
Prof. Nassir Navab
Beatrice Lentes,
Javier Esteban,
Mahdi Saleh
Type: Master Practical Course
Module IN2106
SWS: 6
Programs: Biomedical Computing (Master), Informatics (Master)
ECTS: 10 Credits
Preliminary Meeting ("Vorbesprechung"): Monday, February 5th - 18:00 to 18:300 in the CAMP Seminar Room
Further Meetings: See the schedule below.
This course in TUMOnline
The course will be conducted in English.
- 10.04.2018:
Projects have been assigned. Please contact your supervisors asap.
- 09.04.2018: Project proposals published.
- 23.01.2018: Preliminary meeting date scheduled.
- 17.01.2018: Course website created.
Please register in the
TUM matching system for the course registration. Keep in mind that your chances to be assigned to the course increase if you give it a higher rank in your choices. For further details about how the matching system works and its schedule please check this
General content
This Lab Course is intended to teach the basic concepts of software project management and development for medical applications. You will be confronted with a brief introduction to software project management concepts such as requirement analysis, software design, coding guidelines and unified modeling language (UML). In addition, topics like software version control, deployment engineering and testing will be explored. You will be assigned a medical software project to apply the mentioned concepts in a real-life scenario with clinical, industrial or research partners.
Project Proposals
In this lab course, students work on clinical software projects and find solutions for problems in the field of medical applications. The student's workload should be around 8-10 hours per week for a period of 3 months on the assigned project (10 ECTS course).
Each project is expected to have one contact person (supervisor) who should be available for regular updates or if the student needs any help. In addition, the supervisors are kindly invited to participate in the student presentations (Requirements, Intermediate, Final) taking place at the CAMP chair. Each project supervisor will decide on 50% of the grade based on the student’s performance in the project. The other 50% will be decided upon by the class coordinators, based on the quality of project management and presentation skills of the student.
The project proposal should give a short introduction into the context and describe the most important aspects and expected outcome of the project. Furthermore it should clearly state the required (and optional) skills (programming language, experience with certain libraries etc.).
If you have a suitable project, preferably with a clinical or industrial partner, you are kindly invited to fill out the
project proposal template and send it to
Beatrice Lentes ( as soon as possible.
The deadline for proposal submission is Sunday, March 18th, 2018.
This course requires basic knowledge of C++ or similar OO programming language. The concepts of OO programming and other concepts as conducted in the Introduction to CS lecture are assumed.
The schedule is preliminary and still subject to change. Please check the course website regularly!
Date - Time | Place | Topic | Conducted by | Materials |
Monday, 05.02.2018 - 18:00-18:30 | 03.13.010 | Preliminary Meeting | All course tutors | Preliminary Meeting Slides
Project Examples |
09.02. to 14.02.2018 | TUM Matching platform | Registration | Students | Matching FAQ |
Monday, 09.04.2018 - 14:00-17:30 | 03.13.010 | Introduction, Project Announcements (attendance mandatory) | All course tutors | Introduction Slides |
Monday, 09.04.2018 - until 23:59 | E-mail to Beatrice Lentes | Students required to indicate project preferences | Students | Student Application Template |
Tuesday, 20.04.2018 | E-mail / course website | Project assignments published | Beatrice Lentes | |
Monday, 16.04.2018 - 14:00-17:30 | 03.13.010 | Lecture I: Presentation Tips & Project Management, Lecture II: Software Engineering - UML | Beatrice, Javier | Presentation Rules and Tips
Project Management
Monday, 30.04.2018 - 14:00-17:30 | 03.13.010 | Hands-on Presentation Techniques (attendance mandatory) | | |
Monday, 07.05.2018 - 14:00-17:30 | 03.13.010 | Requirements (Kick Off) Presentations (attendance mandatory) | All course tutors | |
Monday, 07.05.2018 - 23:59 | Link will be provided | Presentation slides upload (Kick Off) | Students | |
Monday, 28.05.2018 - 14:00-16:00 | 03.13.010 | Lecture III: Documentation, Testing & Integration Strategy | Mahdi Saleh | |
Monday, 11.06.2018 - 14:00-17:30 | 03.13.010 | Intermediate Presentations (attendance mandatory) | All course tutors | |
Monday, 11.06.2018 - 23:59 | Link will be provided | Presentation slides upload (Intermdediate) | Students | |
Monday, 09.07.2018 - 14:00-17:30 | 03.13.010 | Final Presentations Vol. 1 (attendance mandatory) | All course tutors | |
Thursday, 12.07.2018 - 16:00-18:30 | 03.13.010 | Final Presentations Vol. 2 (attendance mandatory) | All course tutors | |
Thursday, 12.07.2018 - 23:59 | Link will be provided | Presentation slides upload (Final) | Students | |
CAMP presentation slides (PowerPoint)
CAMP presentation slides (Latex)
Student application template
Project proposal template
Presentation Schedules
Project Requirements Presentations
5 minutes slot for each presentation (plus 2 minutes for questions). We encourage students to practice their presentation w.r.t. pace and time. In order to train compliance with speaking times, your presentation will be interrupted after 5 minutes 30 seconds, no exceptions made.
Show Schedule
Slot No. | Student  | Project Title |
05 | Sri Divya Vajapeyajula | 3d Joint Motion Visualization for Sports or Physical Therapy |
08 | Shyam Srinivasan | CASA: Carotid Artery Shear Assessment |
13 | Rameshwara G. N. Prasad | Ultrasound Anatomy Classification |
04 | Mohamad Atayi | Development of a Brain-Computer Interface for Neurorehabilitation of Stroke Patients |
12 | Matthieu Hongtao Zhang | Real-time Gaze Estimation |
06 | Izabela Horvath | DeepMRF? |
10 | Henrique Rodrigues Orefice | Real-time 3D Human Pose Estimation from monocular RGB Camera |
03 | Gloria Zörnack | Optimization of Photonic Microstructures for Biofluid Analysis with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning |
11 | Georgios Tsekas | Facet Joint Segmentation in US 3D volumes |
02 | Florian Hinterwimmer | Object Labeling and Segmentation in Clinical Multispectral Optoacoustic Images |
07 | Arturo Diaz Coca | Live Avatar of 3D Human Pose Tracking |
01 | Alok Verma | Best of both worlds: Using Deep Learning and Variational Methods for Depth super-resolution |
09 | Afshar Kakaei | VirtUS: Virtual Ultrasound |
- | 15 min. | Break |
Intermediate Presentations Schedule
7 minutes slot for each presentation (plus 3 minutes for questions). We encourage students to practice their presentation w.r.t. pace and time. In order to train compliance with speaking times, your presentation will be interrupted after 7 minutes 30 seconds, no exceptions made.
Show Schedule
Slot No. | Student | Project Title |
01 | Henrique Rodrigues Orefice | Real-time 3D Human Pose Estimation from monocular RGB Camera |
02 | Sri Divya Vajapeyajula | 3d Joint Motion Visualization for Sports or Physical Therapy |
03 | Georgios Tsekas | Facet Joint Segmentation in US 3D volumes |
04 | Izabela Horvath | DeepMRF? |
05 | Afshar Kakaei | VirtUS: Virtual Ultrasound |
06 | Rameshwara G. N. Prasad | Ultrasound Anatomy Classification |
- | 15 min. | Break |
07 | Matthieu Hongtao Zhang | Real-time Gaze Estimation |
08 | Shyam Srinivasan | CASA: Carotid Artery Shear Assessment |
09 | Mohamad Atayi | Development of a Brain-Computer Interface for Neurorehabilitation of Stroke Patients |
10 | Arturo Diaz Coca | Live Avatar of 3D Human Pose Tracking |
11 | Alok Verma | Best of both worlds: Using Deep Learning and Variational Methods for Depth super-resolution |
12 | Gloria Zörnack | Optimization of Photonic Microstructures for Biofluid Analysis with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning |
Final Presentations Schedule
7 minutes slot for each presentation (plus optional an additional 4 min live demo and plus 3 minutes for questions). We encourage students to practice their presentation w.r.t. pace and time. In order to train compliance with speaking times, your presentation will be interrupted after 7 minutes 30 seconds (resp. 11 min 30 sec with demo), no exceptions made.
Day | Slot | Student | Project Title |
Monday, 09.07.2018 | 01 | Matthieu | Real-time Gaze Estimation |
Monday, 09.07.2018 | 02 | Mohamad | Development of a Brain-Computer Interface for Neurorehabilitation of Stroke Patients |
Monday, 09.07.2018 | 03 | Gloria | Optimization of Photonic Microstructures for Biofluid Analysis with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning |
Monday, 09.07.2018 | 15 Min. | Break |
Monday, 09.07.2018 | 04 | Henrique | Real-time 3D Human Pose Estimation from monocular RGB Camera |
Monday, 09.07.2018 | 05 | Georgios | Facet Joint Segmentation in US 3D volumes |
Thursday, 12.07.2018 | 01 | Shyam | CASA: Carotid Artery Shear Assessment |
Thursday, 12.07.2018 | 02 | Afshar | VirtUS?: Virtual Ultrasound |
Thursday, 12.07.2018 | 03 | Rameshwara | Ultrasound Anatomy Classification |
Thursday, 12.07.2018 | 04 | Sri | 3d Joint Motion Visualization for Sports or Physical Therapy |
Thursday, 12.07.2018 | 15 Min. | Break |
Thursday, 12.07.2018 | 05 | Arturo | Live Avatar of 3D Human Pose Tracking |
Thursday, 12.07.2018 | 06 | Izabela | DeepMRF |
Thursday, 12.07.2018 | 07 | Alok | Best of both worlds: Using Deep Learning and Variational Methods for Depth super-resolution |
Available Projects
Projects will be announced in due time and presented during the introductory meeting. Please communicate a selection of 3 choices, each with an explanation (ca. 5 sentences) for why you want to work on this project and how you meet the requirements specified in the project proposal by
09.04.2018, 23.59 CEST. Use the Application Template provided under
Passing Requirements
- Attendance and active participation in ALL presentation and hands-on meetings, in particular questions after each presentation.
- Presence during the lectures is not mandatory but highly recommended.
- Submission of all assignments in time.
- Presentation of your final assignment results.
- Upload of the presentation slides on the day of your presentation. Details will be provided in the introduction.
Documenting your code
- Doxygen, a documentation system for C++, C, Java, Objective-C, Python, IDL (Corba and Microsoft flavors), Fortran, VHDL, PHP, C#, and to some extent D.
MS Visual Studio (2015)
Other useful tools and libraries