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Estimation and Exploration of Location Uncertainty for Scale Invariant Feature PointsProject Webpage |
2009 | |
B. Zeisl, P. Georgel, F. Schweiger, E. Steinbach, N. Navab
Estimation of Location Uncertainty for Scale Invariant Feature Points British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), London (UK), September 7-10, 2009 (bib) |
10/2003 - 6/2009 | Degree (Diplom, comparable to MSc) in Information Technology (Electrical Engineering) Technische Universität München, Germany Specialization in signal processing including computer vision and pattern recognition |
4/2006 - 4/2009 | Honours Degree in Technology Management Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM), Munich, Germany |
2/2007 - 12/2007 | Study Abroad University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia and Research Internship at National ICT Australia, Sydney with a project on "Compressing Policies for Reinforcement Learning". |
UsersForm | |
Title: | Dipl.-Ing. Univ. |
Circumference of your head (in cm): | |
Firstname: | Bernhard |
Middlename: | |
Lastname: | Zeisl |
Picture: | |
Birthday: | 05.08.1982 |
Nationality: | Austria |
Languages: | English, German |
Groups: | Computer Vision |
Expertise: | |
Position: | Project |
Status: | Active |
Emailbefore: | bernhard.zeisl |
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