Dipl.-Inf.Univ. Xinxing Feng
- Name: Xinxing Feng
- Email: lieblingsfeng"at"gmail.com
Finished Projects and Hiwi at the Chair
- Aug.2008 -- Feb.2009
- Interdisziplinäres Projekt: Clinical evaluation of freehand SPECT for 3D thyroid scintigrahpy
supervisior: Thomas Wendler
- Apr.2007 -- Sep.2007
- Internship at Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
- medical image registration and segmentation
Supervisor: Thomas O'Donnell
T. Wendler, X. Feng, K. Herrmann, T. Lasser, J. Traub, S. I. Ziegler, N. Navab, A. K. Buck
2D/3D registration of freehand SPECT and planar scintigraphy for clinical evaluation of 3D thyroid scintigraphy
Proceedings of Annual Congress of the European Association of of Nuclear Medicine (EANM 2009), Barcelona, Spain, October 2009
X. Feng, K. Szajkowska, T. Lasser, S. I. Ziegler, N. Navab, T. Wendler
2D/3D registration of freehand SPECT and planar scintigraphy for clinical evaluation of 3D thyroid scintigraphy
Proceedings of World Congress in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC 2009), Munich, Germany, September 2009
T. Wendler, X. Feng, T. Lasser, K. Herrmann, J. Traub, K. Scheidhauer, S. I. Ziegler, D. Lenhart, J. Grahneis, M. Schwaiger, N. Navab, A. K. Buck
Freehand SPECT for 3D thyroid scintigraphy: first patient report
Proceedings of DGN Nuklearmedizin 2009, Leipzig, Germany, April 2009
D. Zikic, S. Sourbron, X. Feng, H. J. Michaely, A. Khamene, N. Navab
Automatic Alignment of Renal DCE-MRI Image Series for Improvement of Quantitative Tracer Kinetic Studies.
SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, California, USA, 16-21 February 2008