
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
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ARAV Augmented Reality Aided Vertebroplasty

ARAV Augmented Reality Aided Vertebroplasty

In medical collaboration with:
Trauma Surgery Department, Klinikum Innenstadt, LMU, Munich, Germany

Scientific Director: Nassir Navab

Contact Person(s): Christoph Bichlmeier

Keywords: Medical Augmented Reality, Past Projects


In today’s ORs more and more operations are performed employing minimally invasive procedures. Surgical instruments are inserted through a tiny cut on the patient’s skin, the port to the inside of the patient. In some cases endoscope cameras record video images of the operation site that are presented on a monitor. As a consequence of this technique, the surgeon’s field of view is divided into several work spaces, the monitor, the patient and information of medical imaging data presented on a third station. The missing direct view on the workspace complicates intuitive control of surgical tools. In contrast to open surgery the physician has to collect information from several fields of view at the same time and fuse information mentally to create a complete model of his working space, the operation site. The minimally invasive intervention vertebroplasty was determined as a suitable medical application to bring an Head Mounted Display (HMD) into the OR for augmentation of surgical instruments and medical imaging data. In-situ visualization with an HMD presents all available imaging data and navigational information in one field of view. The objective of vertebroplasty is the insertion of cement into weak and brittle vertebrae through a trocar for stabilization. In this case the view on the inside of the patient is not provided by an endoscope camera. However, since the operation is performed under a CT scanner, imaging data is permanently updated to check position of the trocar and amount of inserted cement. Imaging data is presented on a monitor and has to be mapped mentally by the surgeon on the real operation site.


Figure 1: For the second experiment in the operating room, we used our new phantom printed from the Visible Korean Human (VKH) dataset.


C. Bichlmeier, B. Ockert, S.M. Heining, A. Ahmadi, N. Navab
Stepping into the Operating Theater: ARAV - Augmented Reality Aided Vertebroplasty
The 7th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Cambridge, UK, Sept. 15 - 18, 2008. (bib)
C. Bichlmeier, B. Ockert, O. Kutter, M. Rustaee, S.M. Heining, N. Navab
The Visible Korean Human Phantom: Realistic Test & Development Environments for Medical Augmented Reality
International Workshop on Augmented environments for Medical Imaging including Augmented Reality in Computer-aided Surgery (AMI-ARCS 2008), USA, New York, September 2008 (bib)

Clinical Relevance

Sandro Heining, Ekkehard Euler, Ben Ockert


Contact Person(s)

Christoph Bichlmeier
Dr. Christoph Bichlmeier

Working Group

Ekkehard Euler
Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Euler
Mohammad Rustaee
Mohammad Rustaee
Nassir Navab
Prof. Dr. Nassir Navab
Sandro Heining
Dr. med. Sandro Heining


Arno Scherhorn
Arno Scherhorn


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Chirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik - Innenstadt, AG CAS
Nussbaumstr. 20
80336 München

Room: C2.06
Tel.: +49 89 5160-3615
Tel.: +49 89 5160-3635
Fax: +49 89 5160-3630
Visit our lab at Klinikum Innenstadt.

internal project page

Please contact Christoph Bichlmeier for available student projects within this research project.

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